The end of the line...

Holy Crap.

Just thought I had to let that sink in a little bit. I just watched a movie that rivals Battlefield Earth for worst movie ever. That movie is Final Destination. Sweet mercy it was terrible. And now I'm subjecting myself to Final Destination 2. Thank you, USA Network.

What if this is as lame as it gets?

I suppose it had to end eventually.

Tonight the NFL season ended with the Pittsburgh Steeler's victory over the Seattle Sea Hawks. While I was pretty happy to see The Bus and Bill Cower finally claim a Super Bowl win, I'm sad to see the end of the 2005 season.

Either way, it was a good night for football. I'm out.


Friday at last...

Gosh it's been a stressful week. I'm not really at liberty to say why (work related) and it's nothing that I caused, but man, has this week left me feeling used up.

Thank the Lord for the weekend. And the freakin' Superbowl. And the righteous 3-day-weekend that I'm taking as a result.

Oh, and a little update on my Ruby on Rails escapade - I'll be working with my lovely wife to develop my first real web application.  This will allow me to work through a real-world example of requirements gathering, database architecture, and programming.  Should be pretty me at least.

New Born Blog

If you didn't already notice it in the comment to the last post, my buddy Patrick has set up a blog on his site:

Check it out.  Now.  Do it!

That was...not easy.

So I just upgraded Wordpress from 1.5.whatever to 2.0 - and it took me several hours.

I think if I had explored my Dreamhost dashboard a bit more thoroughly I'd have save a load of time, but since I didn't at first, I spent a crapload of time trying to setup phpMyAdmin on my site, only to find out it was already there.


Either way, I've upgraded now, and though you can't see the difference, I'm glad it's done.


My buddy Jake approached me recently about starting a traditional Celtic band - just a small group that would perform occaisonally at Rare Old Times, and Irish pub in Richmond's West End.

Considering I'm 3/8 Irish (woohoo!) and I recently restrung my guitar, this should work out quite nicely. Now I just need to go find some music...

I keep on rollin'

So recently I've started completely geekin' out to Ruby on Rails. Ruby is an elegant, easy to use programming language, and Rails is framework on which Ruby is run. The whole setup, when coupled with a MySQL database, allows for some crazy rapid application development, and I'm really excited about it. In fact, I may re-build this entire site using Ruby on Rails with CSS in the near future, if Dreamhost supports Ruby...

The fact that I've actually sat down and worked on this programming stuff for the past few days is a good sign. I've been working through exercises, and I'm planning to purchase two books on the subject this evening.

That's it for now. Maybe more later...or not. I'm not really Mr. Consistent yet, so I make no promises.

Okay, so I lied. Sue me.

So maybe every-day-posting will be a bit slow in coming, but hey - a few days between is better than a couple of months.

I suppose the major thing to report here is that after almost two years, I've finally re-strung my guitar at my wife's behest. I'm pretty happy about it, but now I have to work hard to rebuild the callouses on my left-hand finger tips. Ouch.

Other pertinent tid-bits included in this post:
1. Super Bowl XL is set; The Steelers vs. The Seahawks. Here's hopin' the Bus and his Iron City cohorts can take down the birds.
2. Next month, I start looking for a house in earnest. No more freakin' renting, God willing.
3. I've started going to the gym! I hope to need alterations to the suit I'm wearing for James' wedding in June!

So there ya have it. Maybe tomorrow?

I'm back!

Well, after a long hiatus, I've returned. At the suggestion of Patrick, I'm going to try to write in here every day, even if it's only in the traditional blog style of posting an interesting link.

Here's what's been going on lately:
1. My buddy Dave has temporarily moved in with my wife and I.
2. I've finally set up wireless in my apartment.
3. Mugs' baby is able to travel, and has come to visit!
4. I made lasagna, completely from scratch (noodles and sauce, too!), and it's steller!

Well, that's it for the moment. More from me later.


The BABY!!!

Yesterday, at around 6:20 pm EST, my little nephew was born to my brother Mugs and his lovely wife, Valorie!

Little Donavan Patrick Warshaw came into the world at 7lbs 9oz.!!!

Now I get to play the part of the crazy uncle...Oh ho ho...{{devlish laugh}}

All right, all right...

So I haven't exactly been posting much here lately, especially not about Italy like I said I would.

Truth is, I've been pretty busy lately with work, writing things for A Pair of Pathetic Peripatetics, and living my life with my lovely Valerie.

So I'm posting here more or less to let people know that I still care about this site. Even though only 4 people a month actually check it out.

Maybe it's more for my sake so I don't abandon the project. I really want to make a habit out of capturing my thoughts, feelings, and opinions.

Anyway, I'm still around, and I'll keep posting!

Oh, the food...

Okay, after working on a placeholder design for A Pair of Pathetic Peripatetics as well as some writing for said site, I've finally gotten around to disclosing some of the fine details of the trip to Roma!

What better way to start than with the food?

If there's one item from the vast repitoires of Italy's kitchens with which most Americans are familiar, it's pizza. I must say, pizza is quite delicious in Roma, and certainly average pizza in Roma is better than 99% of the pie here in the states. The real treasure, however, is in the funky, divey city of Napoli (Naples). Here you will find the granddaddy of modern pizza, with it's puffy outer crust and flavorful dough. Pizza Margherita is the traditional dish in Napoli, and is the very picture of perfection through simplicity. The components are as follows:

  1. Pizza dough
  2. crushed tomatoes
  3. fresh buffalo mozzerela cheese
  4. sunflower oil
  5. fresh basil for garnish in the middle

That's really it. There's barely enough crushed tomato to cover the surface of the crust, and torn pieces of the fresh cheese scattered across the top, and a healthy drizzling of the oil. This is cooked fast and hot in what appeared to be a coal-fired brick oven as old as the 1923 restaurant in which Valerie and I sampled it. The result? Savory, smokey crust you could eat by the pound, even without toppings. Everything blended together like it was the way food was meant to be...

But I gush...

There was, of course, loads of pasta. Two particular culinary wonders stood out - the tortellini, far more tasty than any here in the states, and just about anything served "alla bolognese". The latter were dishes served in a simple but intensely flavorful meat sauce, so good you'd crave it by the spoonful if you'd had it.

And finally, the gelato. Words cannot describe the Italian perfection of ice cream, so I will not attempt such heresy.

In fact, I need to stop writing now, because the lack of food from the Mother Land is quite depressing.



So here's a link to a shload of digi-cam pics from my trip to Roma! Almost all of them were taken by my wonderful wife, except for most of the night shots (because I had a steadier hand).

This is perhaps only half the digital shots, but they're the creme, as it were. Once I get my film shots, I'll try to post more.

Remember, more deets from the trip coming soon!

Ho rinviato!

My wife and I are back from BEAUTIFUL Roma, Italia. In the coming days I'll have a few specific pieces dealing with the various aspects of the trip.

Stay tuned!!!

The very Phatty Dopeness itself...

Holy craplacticus, Batman - watch this video now. Great music, sweet Samuri Jack - style video.

A slow time...

Alright, tomorrow my wife and I head out to Rome. We'll be gone for about a week and a half, but when we return, I'll have plenty of stories to tell...

Stay tuned!

The Site is ACTIVE!

A Pair of Pathetic Peripatetics is now live. It looks boring, and there's barely any content, but that'll change soon enough. Enjoy!

Keep your nose peeled...

Soon, oh yes, very soon, my brother Mugs and I will be creating a new website called "A Pair of Pathetic Peripatetics."

This website will stay up as the content of the new site will likely be more focused on discussion, issues, humor, or who knows. The content will be jointly edited by my bro and I, and I will attempt to work on some kind of graphics for the site (yeah, I still have to work on this one first).

Here's to another grand web adventure!


Well, for the 3 people on the whole of the 'Net who've read my past several posts (Rome excluded), you're probably wondering what that was all about. So I'll explain it to you, as dryly as possible (for added effect).

When I was in high school, one of my best friends, Robert, and I wrote a short series of near-stream-of-consciousness prose. And if you knew anything about what goes on within our respective conscious minds, you would run in terror.

At any rate, I was digging through an online archive of the web (kind of circular, don't you think?) and came across my old website from high school c.1998. This waste of webspace contained one small but excellent section dedicated to said brain-drippings from Robert and myself. I promptly copied them to a text file for posterity, and decided to post them on this website to once again share the demented nature of my friend and me.

That's it.

When in Rome

I'm preparing to make my first international trip in my life - on Tuesday, the 18th of this month, Valerie and I are heading to Rome.

I'm pretty psyched about this for two reasons - mainly because I've never left the country, but also because I'm heading to the land of some of my ancestors: Italy!

I'm gonna go nuts over the food, take loads of pictures, and buy everybody's birthday/Christmas gifts there. I'm going to stand in speechless awe when I stare up at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, or walk around the Colliseum. I will try coffee in Italy even though I don't like it. I will drink wine. I will butcher the pronunciation of many places, names, and menu items. I will return with a sore neck from having turned this-way-and-that to absorb everything I walked past.


The Be-All Bend-All of Mint Oil

Incidently, Fred Hornblower slipped on a banana peel while riding the roller coaster to Texas. While sliding across the waxed recesses of linoleum carpeting, Fred flatulated magnanimously(I can't spell worth carp). Meanwhilst, Papa John's Pizza exploded spontaneously shouting, "You're so incorrigable!" The shining of the sun certainly does illuminate the tombstones across the street, thought the rubber chicken. The prowling feline(the name brand of certain types of canines) spontaneously started jamming with his harpsichord , then he got jiggy widit. Brick outhouses don't smell like roses, because the walls have teeth. We all know that cattle excrement feels odd between skyscrapers. The rat just had a healthy litter of deer. He is right close to this rubber chicken. So is Jerge (pronounced Jerge). The dandruff skipped from flea to flea with exponential forces of equilibrium, producing pungent smelling J curves on the third moon of Nike. The Impropability Ball just grew catnip under its toes within its armpit jam. Nasal fairies met for a Smurf convention with Bo Diddly, and decided it wasn't a brilliant idea to serve tofu slices to acid tripping marmasets. Belly button lint was fed to the rubber chicken. Nose cherries abounded. The chimes rang at the wedding of the neighborhood weightlifting housewife, Cloie and the Naked Cowboy Man.

Did you enjoy your torte?

Mole woman with her flagellum extended, dove into a pool of concrete fish nuggets. After displaying their cool ability to make armpit noises with their teeth, the nuggets burrowed into her skull with a 5/8 inch toenail bit, causing green corpuscules to exude from her pocketbook. At that very instant, the Improbability Ball shot out of nowhere, and ressurrected Sam the Barbarian. Sam, while eating green eggs and ham, crashed into a mental block of worm slime. While pondering the meaning of cheese, Mole Woman discovered Dweezil Zappa falling haphazardly from a petri dish. The bacteria in the petri dish decided to make Mole Woman queen. They lived happily ever after in pestilence and chunky creamed corn.

The Hymn of Rhythmythicles

Jack dreamed of his love affair with the naked cowboy man. What did he have under his hat? Upon exiting the school building, his brain exploded through his ears. Individual chunks of his brain careened through the school yard dodging trees, and large vascilating sea animals. One chunk in particular, landed upon the brow of one(1) very obsequeous mole woman. She immediately proceeded to lick the chunk from her microbe sized greasy forehead by way of a pimpled tongue which protruded from her left tentacle. I thought only boys had tentacles.

And so it begins...

One day, Jack decided to get up and go to school as usual. He got out of bed, dressed, and ate breakfast. Finally, he went out the door and walked to school, where he had a perfectly normal day.

There will be no warning...

...which I suppose is a warning of sorts.