Ploafmaster General

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Okay, so I lied. Sue me.

So maybe every-day-posting will be a bit slow in coming, but hey - a few days between is better than a couple of months.

I suppose the major thing to report here is that after almost two years, I've finally re-strung my guitar at my wife's behest. I'm pretty happy about it, but now I have to work hard to rebuild the callouses on my left-hand finger tips. Ouch.

Other pertinent tid-bits included in this post:
1. Super Bowl XL is set; The Steelers vs. The Seahawks. Here's hopin' the Bus and his Iron City cohorts can take down the birds.
2. Next month, I start looking for a house in earnest. No more freakin' renting, God willing.
3. I've started going to the gym! I hope to need alterations to the suit I'm wearing for James' wedding in June!

So there ya have it. Maybe tomorrow?