Drop it like it's hot!

So this is totally nerdy, but hey...I am what I...whatever.

I have a Firefox extension called Sage that lets me keep track of my RSS feeds for websites I read daily. For the longest time, I've had Digg in my list of feeds - Digg, of course, used to be a tech-centered website, peer edited, as it were. Users submit content and vote on it, and that's how the front page stories are decided. Novel idea, really sweet. Excellent for generating buzz over a new product, idea, or news story.

Today, however, I got fed up and dropped it from my RSS stack. Why?

A few reasons...First, I got tired of the horrible commentary. I feel as if 10-year-old children are writing the banter you see on the site. Or the personal attacks. Second, even before they created less tech-centric news categories, the content was sooooooooooo off-topic. Now, with more generic comments, we're treated to countless submissions of blogspam, and inflamitory stories like, "Liberals do this..." or "Religious Right does that..."

I suppose I see it as a failure of the pure methodology of peer editing. I like, personally, more focused content providors. That's why I subscribe to Engadget, TUAW, MaCNN, and Signal vs. Noise, to name a few. That's why I still subscribe to Slashdot, where content is almost entirely provided by users, but carefully edited. Are they slower than Digg? Certainly, but the quality is higher, and the commentary (especially when filtered) is much more useful.

END NerdPost;

But of course, they were only defending themselves...


And monkey's might fly out of my butt.

Check it.

Oh yeah, and who sold Israel these delightful goodies? Bet you can't guess...


Wow, so I must say...

{{sheepishly blushing}}

MySpace has been quite effective in my first few days...I've already found a cousin, some friends from college and high school, and even my childhood home dog from NJ.

I'll just be over there in the corner questioning my Techie Elitism...

And the best marketing ploy goes to...

How do you get a 24-year-old guy who typically watches Adult Swim to watch the Primetime Emmy Awards?

That's right - invite Conan O'Brien to host them.

I know where I'll be at 8 pm tonight...

I done did it!

Oh boy...so against my better judgement and general tech snobbery, I set up a MySpace page. I'm hoping that I'll be able to drive some more traffic here, but I've already come across two old friends, one from high school, and one from childhood. Half of me feels like I'm behind the curve here, and the other half feels like a total elitest...I'm sure I'll get over it.


Raul Midon

Whoa...to follow up the goofy with serious, I give you Raul Midon:

[youtube [www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynk6W3qM9-w&w=425&h=350])

I almost wet myself.

Holy crap, this is hilarious...and still somewhat music related.

[youtube [www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56TqnexgzIA&w=425&h=350])

Hooray for China!!!

I just read an article about China's continued suppression of all who would have a free society.

Why is it that it's illegal to buy Cuban cigars in America because of trade sanctions, but China has most-favored-nation trade status? What is it about Castro and Cuba that makes them worse than China?

To be sure, Castro's regime still jails dissenters, but how are they worse than China? How do they even approach China's maleficence? And why the hell does the US of A favor one over the other?

Oh yeah, I forgot...business.

Stupid government.

Peculiar but cool

This instrument has a wack paint job, but a dope sound:

[youtube [www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYLqMViWsws&w=425&h=350])

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't read People."

Jason Kottke has posted a delightful account of his resistance to recent pop culture hype.

New Page Action

Check out the header section of my page and look at the new link - it says "My Netflix Habits."

Click through and see the latest addition to my page. I put a new plugin on my site that allows me to show different feeds from Netflix, and currently I'm showing three: My three most recent films, the movie that's at home, and the next three in the queue.

It's pretty slick, but it's not perfect - it includes the movie that's at home in list of recent films, so at the time of this post you can see "Brick" twice on the page.

I also use a crappy hacked way of displaying multiple queues (or displaying them at all, really) - I added the code to the page.php file in the Wordpress theme, which means that the feeds would essentially show up on every page I create. I'm not worried about this at the moment, however, since I never really use pages for anything else.

Make it work!

Oi. I just spent my entire weekend constructing a shed in my back yard. I mean, pretty much my entire weekend. I was working yesterday from 9:30 until 5:40, and today from 2 until 7:30, after church, lunch, and changing a tire on Val's Jetta.

Thankfully, my incredibly excellent buddies cmae through in spades to help me out. I pretty much owe them all big time. The shed is together, it's solid, and it actually looks pretty nice now that it's complete.

While in retrospect I think I would have built a wooden shed as originally planned, I'm just glad that this sheet metal box holds my lawn mower and other assorted yard implements :-)

And the "Magical Quote of the Day" award goes to...

Justin Timberlake, courtesy of CNN(?!!?!??). Wow.

I wanted (the album) to look to a time when everything was really sexy...Maybe everybody was coked up, but who cares? It was hot. It was all about sex.

Erik Mongrain

So yeah, YouTube has proved a valuable resource for finding videos of AMAZING musicians. Maybe I'll make this a regular feature?

[youtube [www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbndgwfG22k&w=425&h=350])

Why Justin King is better than you.

This dude's chops are BOSS.

[youtube [www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZTziYivOLA&w=425&h=350])

And what now?


NSA Eavesdropping Program Ruled Unconstitutional

So when do we get criminal cases?  How much more will it take?

Site Look

Yeah, I should mention that I recently changed the visual theme of my website to one of the WordPress provided themes.  I did this because I was getting really tired of my initial design and it's hideous appearance.  If I ever get to sit down and work on my new design, it'll be a miracle.

All my pics!

I'm a Mac...


Alright, I'm typing this entry from my new joint...a Macbook Pro. 2 Ghz. Core Duo with 1 gig of ram and an 80 gig hard drive. Delicious.

I know I'm going to catch some flack from a few of my nerd cohorts, but I feel I made a good choice :-)

Right Sparky, here's the deal...

So here's what's actually happening:

Sunday evening, I'm heading over to the Richmond Apple store, and I'm buying a MacBook.  It's finally going to happen - I'm switching!

I'm still planning to get the Mac Pro, and I wasn't stating in my earlier post that I was rushing out to buy that tower right away.  That will likely happen around the spring after Leopard comes out and the mighty machine has gone through a revision or two.

Meanwhile, I'll be in Williamsburg this weekend, but my next post should be from the glorious goodness of my new 'pooter!

Hello world!

Welcome to Wordpress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

The 'pooter I'm after:

Alright, Stevie J and co. announced, not surprisingly, the Mac Pro.  And I want one.

The case is the same as the G5 tower in all it's minimalistic metal glory, but inside...well, I'll lay down the config I want...

TWO 2.66 Ghz dual-core 64-bit Xeon processors
2 Gb ram
500 Gb hdd
23" Apple HD monitor
everything else standard, which is still the hotness - nVidia GeForce 7300 GT with 256 Mb of RAM, loads of ports, lots of expansion/upgrade capability, greate software, etc.



So two fantastic things to report:

1. I finally freakin' saw Ozma last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Jake, Elizabeth, and I went to the Norva in Norfolk, VA, to catch Ozma playing with the Rentals - wow, what a show.  Ryan from Ozma was not only a freakin' amazing guitar player, but he also played with the Rentals on most of their songs.  And while Matt Sharp can't really sing, I must say that the Rentals were freakin' excellent live.  They've essentially re-tooled most of their old stuff, and it sounds fantastic.  Ozma played Battlescars, which pretty much satiated me :-)

2. Today is day one of the Apple WWDC in San Fran.  This means Stevie J announces the latest and greatest for Apple, and I'll be glued to my screen continuously pressing F5 until I found everything out.  Huzzah!

That was fast

Yeah, I took down the ads.  They pretty much didn't have anything relevant for my site.

On a seperate note, I've been wicked busy lately, and since Valerie's computer died, I can only maintain my blog at work - not the best idea, so I've been slow to keep up.

Hopefully I'll have my first Apple in a few weeks and I can post more regularly.

[insert record scratching sound here]

Heh heh...yeah.  So I'd been wondering why I couldn't see the Google Ads on my page, and then it struck me...

Adblock for Firefox.  I'd been bolcking the whole Google Page Ads thingy, so I couldn't see it, even on my site.  I took that off for now so I could confirm that it works, but now all I see is a "public service" ad.  It's great to donate to Katrina relief, and all, but does this really mean that there are no relevant ads for my site?

That's wack.