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Fun with a Digicam!

Aight...amazingly, in one day, I'm putting up the pictures I promised! So here they are:

Bachelor Chow - Now with flavor!
Dave, showing off his mad scientist kitchen creation.

A close up of MAN PIE!!! A hollowed out crust of bread filled with the following: four-cheese mashed potatoes, turkey, and roast beef. Toppings? The rest of the bread, bacon, and chedder cheese. Sooooooooo good.

Pictures from this past Sunday in Manhattan after the bump...

Washington Arch
The Washington Arch in Washington Square Park at the bottom of Fifth Avenue, Manhattan.

Best.  Advertising.  Ever.
Saw this while walking through Manhattan…Still haven’t looked up the website yet, but it’s hilarious enough as is.

Ze Glass!!!
Nerd that I am, I had to snap a pic of the new Apple store on 5th Avenue - especially after all the glass architecture in Prague.

American Idol
A plaque commemorating a nearly forgotten American literary figure, nearly lost in the bustle of Times Square. Sad and unfortunate.

Anyway, that’s all the photonography I have for ya this evening…check out my Flickr account to see the rest o' what I got.