Peu Ideal

camper peu ideal multi-tan

I'm breaking in my first pair of shoes from Camper, a Spanish shoe company that traces its roots back three generations to 1877. Normally I'd pass on shoes from this brand because of the price, but I caught the last pair in my size on clearance from My verdict on the Camper Peu Ideal in aged leather? So far, so awesome.

There are two things that I really dig about these kicks. First, the shape of the upper is fairly close to that of the foot itself, so i feel like these shoes fit just right on day one without the need to break them in. I can't imagine how comfy these things will be after a few weeks of heavy wear. Additionally, each shoe has a single elastic lace. This means that technically I can slip these on/off (though I usually have to pop the lace out of the top eyelet to put the shoes on) but, more than anything, it enhances the fit and comfort because the shoe is never too tight on the top of my foot while it stays in place.

Brain Baked

Things could be slow this week, folks...

Between a crazy busy work week and crap-loads of work around the house, my mind isn't all there lately.

But I did get something nifty, recently :-)

Quiksilver Is My Sauce

So first thing's first...I'm not a surfer, and I never was. I'm not likely to be, either, now that I live a fair clip inland. But growing up near the Jersey Shore I, like nearly every kid around me, wore surf wear brands like Rusty, Ocean Pacific, Billabong, and my personal favorite, Quiksilver.

Additionally, while I like a nice time piece, I've never been obsessed with fine watches the way many fellas seem to be...but today I saw The Ray:

the hottest watch ever

I'm sure when this drop in November it'll sell out quicker than I can blink at a price I can't afford, but I can still appreciate the chrome and ebony.

Reading it Old School

This weekend I was at a Borders bookstore in Northern Virginia when I decided I'd purchase some magazines. I started looking through the periodical racks for a photography magazine because I was interested in seeing what art criticism and journalism looked like for that medium. It turns out I was a bit more casual than I intended, and essentially picked up my first magazine based on sight, vague title recognition, and the fact that it seemed to be the only non-exclusively-digital photography magazine they carried :-)

So I grabbed a copy of Focus: Fine Art Photography Magazine. I kinda wish I'd read through it a little more because it turns out the audience is more the art collector rather than the artist. When I sat down to read some of the photographer profiles I saw more in the way of artist background and exhibition history than motivation, technique, or artistic statement. At least the pictures were gorgeous, including the ads - oh yes! The ads, predominantly for gallery shows, typically featured gorgeous photographs often occupying more than half the page. Short of that, however, I'll probably skip this publication in the future, thank you very much.

I really only planned on buying that first magazine...until I caught a glimpse of Antenna Magazine's Summer 2008 issue (though it seems the Fall issue is out now). Flipping through the pages felt more like looking at a catalog of unrelated miscellany - except I like a lot of it. The page layouts seemed interesting, the photography interesting (if not entirely fresh), and the content, well, I'll get to that. It was so intriguing that I decided to take a chance.

It would seem that Antenna attempts to be a quarterly guidebook for the American male (hipster) consumer. It's organized by an alphabetical index with entry titles that are sometimes straightforward (Flip Flops) and sometimes clever (Legal in Some States). Think of it as a paper copy of Uncrate without (so far) the questionable misfires, and with the addition of some short articles peppered throughout. Of course, that's the ironic part: Antenna is a quarterly, paper publication that's supposed to represent the latest and greatest (it's tag line is, "What Drops Next") in a world where news on the Internet is instant. The strange thing, though, is that it DOES seem to accomplish this goal far better than Uncrate or similar "stuff" sites. This certainly makes me wish all the content was available on the web in a convenient RSS feed...

I don't think I could bring myself to subscribe to this magazine because it would likely tempt my materialistic tendencies too much, but it sure does seem to be an interesting read. It's visually fun, too; I'm no graphic designer, but the format and design was both easy on and interesting to the eye.

Maybe I'll try checking out more magazines in the future, but I have a feeling most of what I'm interested in can still be found here in the Internet, often with more relevance, and more current.

Puma Complete Tenos V

a pair of running shoes.

I just received my new kicks by way of They rock hard, but what I'm really impressed by was my first experience shopping from this online shoe purveyor.

I placed the order for my shoes on Saturday and paid $15 for 2nd day shipping so I could receive them by this Wednesday before my trip to Paris (despite my flat feet running shoes, with their light weight and good cushioning, are ideal for trekking about an old city in my opinion). Well I received an email from Zappos on Saturday evening informing me that they were upgrading my shipping for free! Sunday I received my UPS tracking number, and they shipped it on Sunday afternoon! Now I'm wearing the new pair, and I'm so impressed by the seller that I may start buying most of my shoes from them in the future.

Rock on.

Cole Haan Air Granada

pair of shoes

I think Jake will be pleased that I didn't go for the Aldo Hilarion :-)

These are my new kicks, and it's pretty cool to have some semi-casual shoes with real cushioning. They already fit very comfortably without having been broken in, so I expect them only to become more comfortable with time. And no, I didn't pay nearly as much as you might think - I got a pretty killer deal, actually.

When I think about shoe...

picture of a shoe

Well? Should I? Shouldn't I? I'm thinkin' of doing for it this evening. This, of course, depends on whether the store in Short Pimp carries my size, and the shoe is as cool in person as I think it is on the web.

ruby> class Nerd

I can has?

picture of cufflinks that resemble cumputer keys

I think the Escape/Control combo is my favorite.
(via Uncrate)

Lego Ring

I want this so bad it hurts.
Sterling Silver Lego Ring

Puma Voltaic

I snagged a new pair of sneaks last night, and I'm fairly pleased with them:
M'new kicks

They're my first pair of Pumas, and they're totally comfortable. Here's hoping they hold out longer than my Medium's, which blew out on the right side of the right shoe a few weeks ago (much shorter than I expect shoes to last).

Alchemist Lux

I just got a new pair of kicks in the mail today - the Alchemist Lux by Medium Design Group.
Alchemist Lux in Kelp
Very nice pair of shoes - the attention to detail is incredible, inside and out. You can actually find a better visual overview at Zappos, but I have to say that these look even better in person. From the deep brown leather accents to the high-contrast yellow stitching, these are excellent footwear.

Yes, I know this is out of place for me, seemingly, but ever since I went to Italy I never saw shoes the same way. Even the aging middle-class "every-man" wears cooler shoes than Americans do. Does this mean I need to wear cool shoes? Certainly not. But I've certainly come to like them - and not for vanity (I doubt the coolest of treads would bolster my social standing even if I wanted them to), rather a growing appreciation for the well designed.