
Wow, Mugs. Great job.

My brother has redesigned his website, and I have to say it's lookin' pretty slick in all its minimalist glory.

Go check it out...Pickles...

Liz-bit on teh Y00t00bz

So this past weekend, of course, I was in Tallahassee to see my sister-in-law, Elizabeth, perform her senior violin recital.

As the lighting was too low to allow for photographing a musician-in-motion, I decided to try making a little video clip with my digital camera. So here it is, with poor sound quality and all (but still a good showcase of Elizabeth's talent):
[youtube [](])

Funnier than the funniest funny things.

Mugs is wound tighter than a 311 snare drum as he anticipates the decision of UDel's grad program.

Consequently, he's started venting his stress through highly amusing writing along with some poetry on his site.

Go read it now. Share in his stress with a good belly-laugh.

A Night at the Opera

Please, oh please, oh PLEASE go straightway to my brother Mugs' site and read his latest poem.

It's terrifying, haunting, and awesome.

And Mugs? Now that you're pretty much finished with the semester, how 'bout putting up some more of your stuff?

Mawwige is what bwings us togeva, today.

I just have to report that one of my best friends, and indeed one of the two best men in my wedding, Dave - proposed to his girlfriend last night atop Libbie Hill Park. Naturally, she said yes :-)

I'm not sure exactly when they'll be getting married, but I believe it will be sometime in the summer.

This is the kind of news that makes me happiest - hearing about the joyous events in the lives of my friends and family.

Go Dave!

And you know what he did?

I have to link to this hilarious post on my friend Alexis' site...SO funny.

Large pizza, extra sense of community, coming right up.

My parents are truly lucky. Nestled in the middle-of-nowhere town of Keysville, VA, they have access to pizza and Italian food that's hard to beat until you travel north of the Mason-Dixon Line. Pino's Pizza serves up some of the finest pie outside of New Jersey, and certainly better than most anything I can find in Richmond. I have to drive at least 15 minutes to find passable fare while my country-dwelling parents are about a mile from a treat.

I gathered new appreciation for the joint today, however, when Val and I took my mom and step-dad to Pino's for lunch in celebration of Mom's birthday. See, we used to get pizza there almost every Friday evening when I lived at home, and Mom and Paulie continued that tradition even after all the kids were out of the house. I found out when entering the restaurant, however, that my parents had stopped going regularly in the interest of preserving their collective health. Mimo, the proprietor, chided Paulie in a thick Sicilian accent for his absence, but was clearly happy to see us show up. Discussion, as between friends, followed for a few moments about zeppoli (an off-the-menu treat), life, and work before we were told to sit wherever we liked.

Paulie and my mom are each half Italian which is rare in a small Southern town, so perhaps that enables such camaraderie, but it was pleasant to see a business owner treat a regular (or former regular) with such genuine friendliness. In honor of my mom's birthday, ALL OF US were offered a serving of tiramisu. While I paid for the meal at the front counter Paulie, Mimo, and I discussed off-the-menu ideas that would bring my parents back to regular status.

I left with a feeling of connectedness to that establishment - a mutual feeling of provision, in that we provided a portion of the success of Mimo's business, and he our gastronomic pleasure. I felt a real desire to foster that feeling of neighborliness - an Old World interconnected sense of community, whereupon each citizen contributes to each other's well being. A sense of community that's fading even from the small towns here in the American South, where you know the tailor, the butcher, the restaurateur, the mail man, the sheriff, etc.

This is what draws me so to small businesses. I want to operate one. I want to work with them. I want to help them succeed. I want them to help me succeed. I'm not talking about a veiled form of nepotism here - I'm talking about community.

Poetry in somethin' or other...

Time yet again for another shameless plug of my brother's writing. Head on over to his blog and check out his recent worx.

Here's to my home-boy

Though no decisions have been made, one of my best friends, Robert, just informed me that Iowa State University wants him as a Ph.D. student!

While it'd be a bummer that he'd be even farther away (he's already in North Carolina), I'm happy for him that he's received the invitation. My hope is that he ends up with several invitations so he has to decide.

Whatever the choice, rock on, Robert, you brilliant biologist!

Smokey Mountains Majesty

I spent the weekend reveling in God's creation and the company of some fine friends.

Valerie and myself, along with three other couples and the parents of on of the wives stayed in the parents' cabin on Spanish Oak Mountain in North Carolina. About 30 miles from Boone, this retreat was situated in the middle of glorious hard-wood trees at the peak of their colorful leaf-changing process. The weather was cool, and the air was crisp. We attended two local craft-ish festivals containing equal parts kitsch, serious artisanship, and carnival sillyness. I positively love little celebrations of local culture, and the Valle Crucis Country Fair as well as the Wooly Worm Festival did not disappoint.

Walking through the woods with several fellas I looked up to in college was time well spent, and playing guitar in the freezing night around a struggling would-be bonfire was fun despite the numbing finger tips.

Rarely has it been so difficult to return to the "civilized" Atlantic Coastal Plain.

This one goes out to Jake!

If you're one of the 3 to 4 sporadic readers of my website, you've probably noticed a number of comments by my buddy Jake (you can tell by the goofy names he chooses).

Well, he wants me to post more frequently (I did just post two days ago...), so here goes!

This is a test post. This is only a test post. If this had been an actual post of any substance, I would have created it in my own time, without prompting by one of my impatient friends.

This concludes the test of my posting abilities. Stay tuned for more writing to be read by less than half a dozen people when I feel like it :-)


Today is my second wedding anniversary, so just suck it up and deal as I spout in a sappy manner about my love for my wife :-)

In the two years that Val and I have been married, I don't actually feel like a whole lot has changed - but that's not a bad thing. We were dating for a bit more than three years when we married, so there wasn't a whole lot left to find out. We have, however, grown closer as we've moved through life changes and challenges, and the stressful process of buying a home this year. Valerie has helped me cope with some bitter family conflict, laughed at my dopey jokes, and put up with my slovenly life-style around the house. She's everything I could ask for in a spouse - loving, caring, understanding, forgiving, uplifting, and extraordinarily complementary to my personality.

I love her more today than I did last year, and I'm confident that I'll be writing many more saccharine posts like this in years to come.



My friend Robert invited me to come with him to the opening event at the John Paul Jones arena at UVA - The Dave Matthews Band. They were incredible. The musicianship was excellent to witness. The arena was exciting, and the seats were incredible. While my preference is still for more intimate club shows, I was reminded of why arena shows can be so excellent - the noise and anticipation of the crowd was infectious, and made it that much more fun to be there.

Good show, Carrothers, good show.

He's writin'!

Mugs is writing! He's planning to release a serialized novel over a twelve month period, starting November 1st, via his blog.


That's their little style.

Yesterday Dave and I went for a stroll around Shockhoe Bottom and Church Hill, takin' pictures as we walked. It was a good day to be outside for a few hours, and some of my snaps turned out decent.

Here they are - they're the first 20 in my list.

Fun with a Digicam!

Aight...amazingly, in one day, I'm putting up the pictures I promised! So here they are:

Bachelor Chow - Now with flavor!
Dave, showing off his mad scientist kitchen creation.

A close up of MAN PIE!!! A hollowed out crust of bread filled with the following: four-cheese mashed potatoes, turkey, and roast beef. Toppings? The rest of the bread, bacon, and chedder cheese. Sooooooooo good.

Pictures from this past Sunday in Manhattan after the bump...

Washington Arch
The Washington Arch in Washington Square Park at the bottom of Fifth Avenue, Manhattan.

Best.  Advertising.  Ever.
Saw this while walking through Manhattan…Still haven’t looked up the website yet, but it’s hilarious enough as is.

Ze Glass!!!
Nerd that I am, I had to snap a pic of the new Apple store on 5th Avenue - especially after all the glass architecture in Prague.

American Idol
A plaque commemorating a nearly forgotten American literary figure, nearly lost in the bustle of Times Square. Sad and unfortunate.

Anyway, that’s all the photonography I have for ya this evening…check out my Flickr account to see the rest o' what I got.

Off to the ol' N-J

It's kind of funny, that on this, the 12th annniversary of my move to Virginia, I'm driving back up to New Jersey.

Val and I are headed up for the weekend to see my grandma and dad. Should be pretty fun seeing the ocean at Sea Girt, and the trendy bustle of Red Bank.

Additionally, we should be meeting up with our buddy Rebecca in Manhatten. Should be a blast :-)


Wow, so I must say...

{{sheepishly blushing}}

MySpace has been quite effective in my first few days...I've already found a cousin, some friends from college and high school, and even my childhood home dog from NJ.

I'll just be over there in the corner questioning my Techie Elitism...

Evan Almighty

Holy CRAP!

My crazy lil' bro Nick just got a call (well, my mom got the call, but it was for him) about an audition he did for Evan Almighty, the upcoming sequal to Bruce Almighty.

I don't know what kind of role he'll have, be it extra or walk-on, or maybe one line...but apparently they've been trying to contact him for a while via cell phone, but his battery has been kaput, etc...

Either way, they're filming in the Charlottesville/Crozet area, and he'll be doing something.  I hope it's a visible part, just so I can see my bro on the big screen!


Baby one more time...

Okay, so Mugs FINALLY decided to ditch and hit up some mad-hot WordPress action.  His blog has moved - again - and I've changed the link on the side bar accordingly.

Family Site Dealies

Alright, some link-reorg stuff going on...

I removed A Pair of Pathetic Peripatetics because it's become somewhat defunct.  Mugs, though, has created a new version of a blog, reincarnating The Writing on the Bathroom Wall.  He still has his site where he posts his personal literature, but this new site is more of a crazy blog like mine, I suspect.  His old blog still exists at, but that's fairly redundant considering his lit site.

So go visit his new joint and post comments, defame him, and be merry.  Or punch yourself in the face.

An experiment...

Alright, since I think my buddy Jake is about the only regular reader I have, I'm going to post a reminder here for him:

Jake, shoot me a call today, at work or later, so we can iron out the details of hanging out tomorrow (Friday) evening.


And it was good.

Awwwwwwww yeeeeeah.

Now I have a new set of keys on my keychain. The closing on the house went smoothly. The drive to Winchester was fine. The wedding was wonderful, and the rest of the weekend festivities were excellent.

A delightful surprise? My cousin Mick, whom I haven't seen in at least 10 years, was there. Not only is he married, not only does he have an adorable baby boy (Seamus), but he's been living in Virginia for the past 6 years, a mere two hours away from me. Rock, rock on.


Everybody's workin' for the weekend!

Oh man, this is set to be a righteous weekend.  Today is my last day of work for the week, so that's a good start.

Tonight, Val and I have the final walk-through of the house.  Tomorrow, at 8 AM, we have the closing.  Immediately after that, we drive up to Winchester, VA.  Around 4 PM is the rehersal for my older brother Tom's wedding.  After that, the weekend essentially turns into a huge-normous party with my family and some friends.  Rehersal dinner, wedding, chill time with the fam.


CSS Styling the Stylie Styles

I can't believe I forgot to post a link to my bro Mugs' new site:

BJW Designs

This is his new business site for web design.  He only just learned how to do this stuff a few months ago, and has been learning more technique at lightening speed.  Check it out, and if you know anybody that needs a website, consider Mugs.