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Today is my second wedding anniversary, so just suck it up and deal as I spout in a sappy manner about my love for my wife :-)

In the two years that Val and I have been married, I don't actually feel like a whole lot has changed - but that's not a bad thing. We were dating for a bit more than three years when we married, so there wasn't a whole lot left to find out. We have, however, grown closer as we've moved through life changes and challenges, and the stressful process of buying a home this year. Valerie has helped me cope with some bitter family conflict, laughed at my dopey jokes, and put up with my slovenly life-style around the house. She's everything I could ask for in a spouse - loving, caring, understanding, forgiving, uplifting, and extraordinarily complementary to my personality.

I love her more today than I did last year, and I'm confident that I'll be writing many more saccharine posts like this in years to come.