Aaaaaaaand Wii!

As if my angst wasn't excuse enough to write less frequently, yesterday I purchased a Nintendo Wii. I think I'll be sufficiently distracted for the next who knows how long.

But don't worry, you two or three regulars (semi-regulars?) - I'm not abandoning this space for a long term hiatus. I'll probably have plenty more to say about my new video game system as I use it more and play new games.

Oh yeah, and I'll still write about other stuff, too :-)


So I just finished working on a secret document last night.

It's secret because I don't want certain people to know about it yet.

In due time. In due time, indeed.

A Tale of Two Movies

Yesterday Val and I watched each of our two Netflix rentals...well, she mostly talked on the phone to her sister and organized the documents folder on our computer during my movie. I thought both movies were very good, yet each disappointing enough in their own ways that I couldn't go higher than four-out-of-five stars for the flicks.

My selection was Ryan Fleck's Half Nelson, starring Ryan Gosling. I have to agree with several of the film critics here - it's an excellent performance for Gosling, and one which I hope propels him into more high-caliber roles. The abundance of expert hand-held photography right to my taste as well, particularly since it's used during many essentially still shots. Two of my favorite parts, however, are the scenery (I have to find out where in NYC this is located just for my curiosity) and the music which both serve to drive the point home that Gosling's character is barely floating along in his depressed world when he isn't in class making a difference to middle school students.

Unfortunately for me, the ending is really rather abrupt - we have seriously a two minute scene to close out the barely-existent story. And speaking of that near-non-story - I felt through much of the film that I was simply watching events happen rather than a narrative. Call me old-school in that sense, I suppose. Overall, though, as my 4/5 suggests, I did enjoy the movie a great deal.

Valerie's movie was Stranger Than Fiction, a story about a story, where the main character really exists and finds that the author is writing his life and imminent death. Will Ferrell plays quite well in this movie, as do Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. The movie is filmed quite a bit better than I've come to expect of comedies, including a rather creative shot inside an articulated bus, and an excellent use of info-graphics to punctuate the lead character's obsession with numbers.

This, too, disappointed largely because of the ending. There is such build-up and significance placed around the ending by the movie itself that when it finally arrives, it feels more like slowly letting the air out of a balloon rather than popping it. I found this unfortunate as the build-up was handled quite well. Again, however, I enjoyed this movie enough to give it 4/5. I hope this indicates a better direction for Will Ferrell in the future, though we can't be too sure with Blades of Glory and Semi-Pro in the future.

Starcraft II


Blizzard Entertainment
is FINALLY working on a sequel to Starcraft! Check it out, and peep the screenshots!

I'm so excited, I think I need to to box my ears.

Lebanese Food Festival

Today Val and I are heading to the Lebanese Food Festival at a Maronite Catholic Church in the West End.

I hope to have more details afterwards, and I sure as heck hope the food is good :-)

Meh. It was alright - if you're a big fan of Mediterranean food other than the Italian variety, you'd probably really dig the food. Standard fare like shwarma, kabob, falafel, etc. was present, and the desserts as well. Those tasty pastries were pretty good, though - especially the macaroon and baklava.


I'm feelin' pretty blah lately, so writing here will probably be a bit more sparse than usual.

Finish this sentence:

Recovering from his fall after slipping on the viscous substance on the cement floor, Juan stared hard at the deep red fluid before exclaiming, "That's, not blood -- that's..."

Bachelor of Arts

So today was excellent, and the full weight of it just struck me: Brian Warshaw, my brother, just graduated from Longwood University with his Bachelor of Arts in English. Magna Cum Laude, 3.7 GPA, rocked the house. Oh yeah, and he did it in 2.5 years. With a little baby to care for this past year, and a wife to care for.

Congratulations, man, you deserve the recognition, and I'm really proud of you as your brother.

Ask Dan is coming for your soul.

Q: Hey ask dan! Here’s my question: How would YOU make crapplejuice as a cocktail and what would it taste like? Please give me your most detailed and goriest explaination. (Holy crapplejuice Batman!)

A: Well it seems that my sister-in-law still likes to see her weirdest questions answered for all to see, and this time, it's a rather disgusting one :-)

First I want to suggest, Elizabeth, that you probably meant "grossest explanation" rather than "goriest" since I doubt you're talking about a bloody crapplejuice cocktail here!

That being said, here's my ancient family recipe for just such a libation:

1.5 oz. Crapple Jack
1.5 oz. Patron Anejo Tequila
4-5 dingle berries - reserve one for garnish
Crapple Juice to taste

To mix: Fill a Boston shaker with ice and add the Crapple Jack and tequila. Shake vigorously. In a rocks glass, muddle all but one of the dingle berries with some crushed ice. When thoroughly pulverized, add more crushed ice to fill the glass halfway. Pour out the contents of the shaker into the glass and top off with Crapple Juice. Garnish with the remaining dingle berry on the rim of the drinking vessel.

There you have it! If you're not dry-heaving after all that, post questions for next time (if there is one) in the comments of this or any future post.

Finish this sentence:

"How many times," moaned Kirk, "do I have to tell you to keep your grubby hands..."

Edward Hopper

Slate has a nice slide show essay on their site about American painter Edward Hopper, best known for the excellent Nighthawks.


Well this evening Valerie and I purchased Adobe CS3 Web Premium. This was mostly for her as she already knows how to use Photoshop and Illustrator. She's pretty psyched, and I'm happy for her, but now I know that I'll have limited computer access for the next few months :-)

Sint Maarten, photographically speaking.

I have 11,000 words worth of St. Maarten pictures up on my Flickr account, so go check 'em out.

Sint Maarten/Saint Martin

Last night - quite late last night - Val and I returned from our first Caribbean vacation on St. Maarten.

Wow. What a blast.

Frequent fish and barbecue dinners, fantastic sushi at Bamboo Bernie's, and one of the best beach days of my life - a whole day snorkeling trip to the uninhabited island of Prickly Pear.

The entire island is a mere 37 square miles which meant our trusty yet grungy Toyota Carolla sipped a little more than a quarter tank of gas the entire week (yet still cost almost twenty bucks to refill!!!). The entirety of the island is this sort of funky dingy shopping and tourist land with the exception of the beautiful town of Marigot on the French side. That town is a funky dingy shopping and tourist land with a little European flair and some excellent pastry shops :-)

The beaches themselves are fantastic, from the calm sheltered coves at our hotel to the gorgeously clear Maho Bay at the base of Princess Juliana Airport's runway. And while I got a bit of sunburn on my shoulders, it was well worth it for the amount of swimming I logged.

I hope to have some pics up on Flickr tonight of the whole affair, so keep your eyes peeled for another post about this. The words don't quite do it justice.

Wiped styles.

Ugh. Tired. Got in to Richmond at 2:05 am. Gotta go to work tomorrow anyway. Had no interwebs all week, but it was no problem since the week was righteous. More on that tomorrow.

Ask Dan Lives!!!

Q: Are you still doing Ask Dan? If so here’s my question: what would you do if you were President of the US?

A: Elizabeth, you first have to realize that I'd never want the responsibility and 24/7 pressure of the office of President of the United States of America. So much stress. No rest. No real time off. For at least four years.

Unless you're kicked out...

So here's what I'd do. I'd throw the first ever Oval Office Keg Party. For realz. I'd have heads of state doing keg stands while members of my cabinet bonged cheap brew from another keg in the corner. The secret service would be around to make sure nobody drove home under the influence, and to keep things from getting too rowdy. Then we'd all go for a ride in Marine One, buzzing the tops of well-to-do townhouses in Old Town Alexandria before landing in the middle of I-95, just to disrupt things a little more.

I figure that'd get me impeached in less than a year. And if not? I could always start a war with Luxembourg, or something.


How do you solve a problem like Maria? A hilarious post on McSweeney's seems to have some ideas...

Hey there, Big Brother!!

Just read an interesting article on Wired's Gadget Lab about lip-reading software for the UK's millions of CCTV cameras.

And the British worry that they're "sleep-walking into a surveillance society."

Bloggin' from the Islands

Sunday morning my wife and I will head off to St. Martin in the Caribbean for a week vacation with her mom and sister. My hope is to hit up some WiFi action and blog the crap out of my vacation. I'll have my digital camera and tripod with me as well, and I just bought a 2 gig memory card, so I hope to be snapping pictures by the hundred.

One day in particular should be interesting. The popular photo site, Flickr, created a special group called 24 hours of Flickr in which the members are to document their day on May 5th with photographs. The members will then select what they feel is the best photo of their day and submit it to the group. My hope is that this day alone will provide me with dozens of pictures to add to my library, especially since I'll be in such an idyllic location.

The end of this week can't come soon enough!!!

Blog import on VIRBº

VIRBº finally rolled out the blog import feature.

Thanks to Joshua Blankenship for the heads up. Now I'll finally have some content on my profile page since I write on my own site with reasonable frequency.


McSweeney's has a hilarious piece up about Democratic Presidential candidates.

Model Behavior

Clay Risen writes a response for The Morning News' "The Non-Expert" this week about modeling. Check it out and laugh your $400 jeans off.

Once again...this exemplifies why Ask Dan never had a fighting chance :-)

Hypatia Sans Pro...I'm becoming a typography nerd.

John Gruber's Daring Fireball links to Adobe's new font family, Hypatia Sans Pro. The page describes in excellent detail the background behind the design. Good read, if you're a nerd like me - or simply appreciate good design.

Toilet Fire

And you thought eating spicy food could lead to hot times on the porcelain bus...

Peep Engadget's story on the Head from Hades.


I don't post often about food, and my few posts have spanned the full range of culinary quality - from a sandwich at 821 Cafe, to the fine dining of 1 North Belmont.

Today, though, I have to opine about Wawa and their quality eats. Yes, Wawa is a convenience store, but man. Their food is a huge step up from their immediate competitor, Sheetz. Wawa eschews variety for quality, limiting it's menu to an assortment of sandwiches and subs, made fresh to order. They use good bread, real cold cuts, and fresh toppings. I'd have to say that the toasted chicken Philly sub has become one of my favorite subs in town.

The side items make the whole meal better, however. Wawa offers up a huge variety of snackable items such as apple slices with caramel or peanut butter, yogurt, fresh fruit cups, or pepperoni slices with cheese cubes and crackers.

It's fair to say that I've had too many meals at Wawa over the past few months, but I've enjoyed every one of them.