I promise...

If only I could get everybody who sends email in my office to sign one of these...
(via swissmiss)

UPDATE: Ack...fixed the link.

To Raise Your Eyebrows

If you can't laugh or at least smile at this, then your heart is an untended garden of dead things:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVblWq3tDwY&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1&w=580&h=470]


I feel like a pretty dry well these days, so forgive me while I resort to the ol' blogging standard of simple links to amusing diversions...

Stay Crunchy

As parodies go, David Friedman's The Breakfast Cereal Club has the taste you can see.

Ode to Beaker

If this doesn't make you smile I don't want to know what does:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpcUxwpOQ_A&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1&w=580&h=470]

Go Jingle Something Else

We hated the snow and we needed the snow—what were we going to dash through once springtime arrived?

Jon Mehtven brings a little Christmas and economic levity with his Christmas Carols, Revised for the Recession.

Official Monty Python YouTube Channel

Monty Python have* their own YouTube channel, and they intend to add loads of high quality video as time wears on.


Here's a fine example:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZlBUglE6Hc&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&ap=%2526fmt%3D18%20&w=580&h=470]

*I felt the British pluralization was appropriate given the subject matter.


Behold the birthday clown, sad and terrible (with a touch of potty humor - strictly PG, though) :

Scenes From An Unmade Movie : Job from Jason Zada on Vimeo.

Adipose Rex

So the other day I woke up with a phrase that slapped me in the face: "Adipose Rex." So I decided I had to draw a picture of this fat tyrannosaurus...

fat tyrannosaurus

It felt pretty good to draw for the first time in years even if it was a silly cartoon character. I used to draw quite a bit through high school but dropped off sharply when I picked up the guitar. Because of that lag, this simple little drawing actually represents a ridiculous process that took me a few evenings. I sketched out some concepts in my Moleskine (maybe I'll share those some time...probably not) and settled on the style you see above. I scanned the page from my notebook and printed it so I had a larger image to replicate neatly on trace paper (Val has loads left over from her drafting classes in college). Finally I scanned the traced image and cleaned it up a bit in Photoshop before posting to Flickr.

Keep an eye out...I make no guarantees, but this may not be the last you see of this big guy.

Our Folded Universe Will Become Universe Origami

There are pop culture critics, and there's The Hater. Today Amelie Gillette tears down what sounded like a good idea on paper...

MST3k 20th Anniversary Edition

Sweet mother of sweet mothers! BEHOLD!!!

all that is good

This Mystery Science Theater 3000 box set is something new for the ol' Christmas list :-)

Robocop on a Unicorn

I don't see how you could get any weirder/funnier than Robocop on a Unicorn.

(via Andrew Sullivan)


You might need to change your undies after laughing your bowels out at this one:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAg5KjnAhuU&hl=en&fs=1&w=580&h=470]

(via that font of Friday fun, yewknee)

The bigger they are...

Let's fail together!

-- My lovely wife, Valerie, reacting to news that General Motors and Chrysler are exploring the possibility of a merger.


Today we are going to be doing art.

Ceased to Be

Who'd have thought you could convince a Nigerian scam artist to perform a sketch from Monty Python?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IQqd17p9_0&hl=en&fs=1&w=580&h=470]


i-ˌrək-ˈtā-shən, ˌē-
15th century

: an act or instance of belching

Unpolished Chrome

Once again, there's loads of buzz around the whole freaking Internet about the latest thing (well, okay, that's half the reason to be ON the freaking Internet in the first place, I suppose). So I was checking out the web page Google's Chrome browser, only to be stopped by this:

screenshot of unavailable video clip

Wait...doesn't Google OWN YouTube? Let's hope they can fix this one in a hurry...

Model Citizen

I bet the police in Shizuoka prefecture look a little closer next time they drag in a body...

It's a perfectly cromulent word.

I was viewing some photos as a slide show on Flickr when I noticed a link for "Options" in the top left of the screen. I clicked it, thinking perhaps I could view images in a random order. Alas, that's not the case, but here's what I saw:

embiggening the smallest man since 1981

This sort of reference exemplifies the nerdy attention to detail that makes me love this site.

Suburban Malcontent

The American suburb is ideally suited to driving alone and being a little sad about things you haven't bought yet.

-- Merlin Mann from Twitter.

Star Trek Cribs

Consider this a weekend send-off:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBXal1GAA4A&hl=en&fs=1&w=580&h=470]

Burning Building

Today I decided to check out some blogrolls from various other blogs and came upon Burning Building, the brainchild of Isaac Marion in Seattle. Marion's site appears to combine various talents but is clearly dominated by his writing, which of late, is quite humorous.

Give it a look - at least for yesterday's "Happy Birthday in D Minor."
(via Alexis)

Squirrel Melts

Here's another gem for your Friday, courtesy of my home slice Dave:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RlK0Xd4c2c&hl=en&fs=1&w=580&h=470]

Caught on a Petrified Nose

I never expect to find much humor on Flickr discussion threads, but when Mugs contributes, hilarity ensues.