As long as Elfman does the score...

Is this the end of the Simpsons?  Rumorists have long speculated that a Simpsons movie would signal the impending end of the long-running cartoon sitcom.

We'll find out in summer of 2007!

Vox Populi

I just saw the film, "V for Vandetta" last night, having read the complete collection of comics on my flight to Rome last year.  I certainly enjoyed the film - nearly as much as I enjoyed the print.

A phrase in the story came immediately to my mind as I read a story on CNN this afternoon.  The so-called "vox populi" of our nation cried out today in several intriguing protests around the country against certain hard-line immigration reform bills.

I find it a bit upsetting, however, that such a story is relegated to the side-bar lesser headlines on the CNN front page.  It's not even listed as a major news item on ABC's, MSNBC's, or Fox News' front page.

What do we get on CNN's front page instead?  Sensationalism; a minister shot by his wife.  Not to down play the seriousness of the murder, but people die every day.  People are murdered in this country alone every day.  How often do you have hundreds of students in LA walk out of their classes in protest?  How often do you have TENS OF THOUSANDS of employees in Georgia take the day off from work in protest?  How often do you have almost THIRTY THOUSAND citizens march through Phoenix and Milwaukee in protest?

Un-ignorable numbers unifying around the country in common protest, and the media mostly ignores it.  It's not like this is a minor issue, either - this is about immigration - one of the more hotly contested public debates in this country!

The people woke up today, cried out, and the Vox Populi went largely unheard.

I was wrong.

Oh my...Final Destination 2 was even worse than Final Destination.

I determined last night that as soon as Final Destination 3 hits the Byrd here in Richmond, my buddy Dave and I have to go see it.  Just to laugh.

That's all there is left to do.

The end of the line...

Holy Crap.

Just thought I had to let that sink in a little bit. I just watched a movie that rivals Battlefield Earth for worst movie ever. That movie is Final Destination. Sweet mercy it was terrible. And now I'm subjecting myself to Final Destination 2. Thank you, USA Network.

What if this is as lame as it gets?

The very Phatty Dopeness itself...

Holy craplacticus, Batman - watch this video now. Great music, sweet Samuri Jack - style video.

Cinema Appreciation Day

What, I ask you, could be more thrilling than a 7' tall professional athlete, dressed in plate armor with a chain mail undercoating? How about a weaponized wheelchair? How about the on-screen death of Jud Nelson (who, by the way, hasn't aged a day since The Breakfast Club)?

This very AM, I was fortunate enough to catch the final half-hour of Shaquille O'neal's cinematic tour de force, Steel: a cutesy little tale of ex-Army scientists who try to defend Los Angeles from a less benevolent ex-Army scientist and his attempts to distribute ultra-sophisticated weaponry (some sorts of laser pistols, it would seem) to some rather unsavory locals.

Would any Shaq film be complete without a rap "song" from the man himself? Though I can't seem to recall the title of this wunderwerk, I can assure myself (and the rest of you!) that it must have been a pure masterpiece.

I am left in awe of Shaquille and his "triple-threat" ability. Just as he owns the court, he enforces his dominion over the musical and cinematic entertainment industries.

Here's to Shaq. I salute you, Big Guy. Keep up the great work!