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A Grand Day Out

a gravel path through the woods on part of The North Bank Trail by the James River

My family is heading out of town for a few days, so I wanted to get in one more big bike ride on a day off when the weather was incredible. After meeting my wife and son for coffee at the VCU area Blanchard’s, I pointed my handlebars toward the river.

A hazy view of the James river and the Route 1 bridge crossing toward the south bank

I puttered around the river and canal for a while, appreciating a quiet weekday morning.

Virginia spiderwort with three-petaled blooms

Not quite sure what they're doing in the Kanawha Canal, but maybe it’s dredging out a lot of the scunge that’s built up over the years?

A trench digger on a mud berm in the middle of the Kanawha Canal by Brown's Island

After crossing the river twice (first over the T-Pot bridge and back over the Mayo after some Manchester meandering), I headed over to the Capital Trail for a few extra miles out to Varina and back before wrapping up my ride at Journeyman's for a maintenance drop-off.

The old steel shell of a building down by the river on the Capital Trail out by Rockett's Landing

I was under the impression my bike would be at the shop for a few days, but I got the call a couple hours later that it was ready and tuned up. So my wife dropped me off and I rode it back up the hill to the Northside. Crispy shifting, and no more squeaking! All told around 26 miles on the bike, and it felt incredible.