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Recent Fun Observations From Maps

On my way back from Wisconsin this past weekend I tried to catch a few screenshots from the maps app on my smartphone (safely!) as I noticed some fun street names.

screenshot from Apple Maps showing a street named Bogus Rd SE
screenshot from Apple Maps showing a street named McJunkin Rd
screenshot from Apple Maps showing a street named Nicelytown Rd

And finally, I noticed a nifty little detail when I was closer to a major metropolitan area (Chicago in this case): the map gained more 3D detail and, to my surprise, the route line passed beneath overpasses with color and opacity adjusted accordingly:

screenshot from Apple Maps showing the route line passing underneath a translucent overpass above the highway

Not seen is that the indicator for my current position would also adjust when passing beneath an overpass. I’m sure people would rather have more accurate data and directions within Apple Maps, but I’m sure the visual design team isn’t responsible for that functionality, and I always appreciate these sort of details. They aren’t strictly necessary, but they add a nice bit of fun and a subconscious signal of attention to detail.