Ploafmaster General

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  1. A still frame of Daniel Tiger with tired eyes. Caption—in classic Impact typeface—includes variations of "It's you I my belly."
  2. The Tree Hugger Challenge: people share videos of themselves hugging trees. One video includes a man chewing on the bark while hugging a red oak. This variant gets 14,000,000 likes on YouTube and 260,000 likes on Twitter. It is taken down from Facebook after being flagged as inappropriate.
  3. People too young to have grown up watching Family Matters start sharing childhood photos. They appear to be static images, but after a few seconds, Jaleel White (not in costume, as an adult) slides into frame while the caption, "Did I do that?" blinks at the top of the picture.
  4. Brexiting: disenchanted vloggers rage-quitting by live-streaming a video of their camera (or smartphone) being set on fire until the device dies.
  5. Office workers start posting their lunch orders for the day with photographs of minor politicians attached—photos taken in the middle of speaking so it appears the politician's eyes are half closed with a gassy, awkward smile.
  6. Looping GIF of a cat barfing itself out of its own mouth. The cat has your face.