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One of my classmates (and a pro photographer) at the large format photography workshop I took at the VMFA Studio School.

I shot this using Clement's Sinar 4x5 view camera and his gorgeous Nikkor 210mm lens (a good portrait focal length for 4x5). This was shot wide open at f/5.6 for 1/60th of a second on Ilford HP5 Plus. I printed on nice cheap Ilford Multigrade RC paper with a pearl finish using a #3 filter in the enlarger for some increased contrast. The paper print is nearly the full size of the 8x10 sheet of paper.

Now I want a darkroom all over again after experiencing (for the first time in 3 years) just how much can be done with an image after the negative is created. I know I can use Photoshop or other tools, but the process of using a darkroom is so wonderful to me; the tactile nature helps, I think. It's hard to beat the tonal range of a good darkroom print, too, at least with current printing technology.