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Ripped Off, or, I've hit the big time!

UPDATE: I was able to contact VCU and received a very quick and polite response. The image has been removed.

I guess you know you're doing something right when a university steals your original photograph and uses it on the front page of their athletic department's website.

Check out this screen shot of the Men's Basketball page paying particular attention to the smaller image at the bottom center:

[I've removed this image since VCU fixed the problem.]

Now take a look at this image on RVANews' Flickr account that I provided them from Saturday night's game:

basketball players

Can't VCU find any photography students to take pictures for them? I'm not sure how to get in contact with the folks who make the website because there's no obvious webmaster link or contact page. I'd be happy to let them use it if they pay me. Barring that, I'd like them to take down my image.

I wonder how many other photos they've misappropriated?