The last few regulars remaining no doubt have noticed that my writing has grown spare. I've been posting with low frequency and when I actually do add to the site it's typically been a photograph, a video, or a link with minor annotation.
Maybe it's been an uptick in work (I mean, hey, the workday is prime blogging time) or a general lack of things to say, but I just don't have much in me lately. Not a bad thing, and I'm not upset about it - just some observations.
The funniest part about this is that I've come to such conclusions in the past as well where I feel that my blogging dries up - only to be struck by some diarrheic typing moments later. Whatever. I just had to say something that wasn't "wow, this video is so cool" or "check out my pictures."
Maybe it's been an uptick in work (I mean, hey, the workday is prime blogging time) or a general lack of things to say, but I just don't have much in me lately. Not a bad thing, and I'm not upset about it - just some observations.
The funniest part about this is that I've come to such conclusions in the past as well where I feel that my blogging dries up - only to be struck by some diarrheic typing moments later. Whatever. I just had to say something that wasn't "wow, this video is so cool" or "check out my pictures."