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Blogging the Class: Week 8

After tonight, I'm officially bummed out about this class. Don't get me wrong, the darkroom time has been great, and still is. And tonight I actually received some useful photographic advice from the teacher, but it was after I initiated a discussion. It wasn't general instruction for the class.

There were only four of us students tonight, and I was one of only two who'd bothered to have fresh negatives. So while I spent much of the session making some prints (after a contact sheet, of course), the other students mostly played around with photograms and rudimentary solarization. The teacher sat outside the darkroom reading a book.

No assignment (no surprise), but we're apparently to look out for an email from the instructor tomorrow. Two Mondays left, and I can put this half-waste of a class behind me and start looking forward to the spring when I hope to take an intermediate class somewhere.