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Petites Bouchées = AMAZING

macaron stack

This morning I finally had a chance to stop by the 17th Street Farmers Market to check out Veronica Perez's macarons. She sells them under a little side business called Petites Bouchées, and after the free sample of the hazelnut with salted caramel (pictured above, I believe, from her Flickr account), it was an easy purchasing decision. Val and I bought two pleasantly-wrapped three packs including (between the two) vanilla with buttercream, pistachio with chocolate ganache (AMAZING), raspberry, and the aforementioned hazelnut with salted caramel.

A few important notes:
1. So far these are ideally found at the farmers market on Saturdays only. I believe she'll do Monday orders, but according to her website, I think they're only for out-of-towners (assuming I understood that correctly).
2. Because of today's heat, they were in a cooler instead of on display. The card attached to each packet recommends letting them come to room temperature before consuming. I whole-heartedly agree. I couldn't wait at first and ate one, and I was a little disappointed at the lack of the faint crisp skin I expected from the macarons in Paris. After I was home and they'd warmed up a bit, I had another and presto! Just like France. Delicious.
3. Unfortunately, she only seems to offer the min-sized pastries which are about the diameter of a quarter. Part of me wishes for the larger variety that were available in Paris - a single one is just the right size snack - but then I suppose she'd have to call these grandes bouchées :-)

Whatever the case, these are ALL delicious, and I highly recommend checking out her stall in the market. This week (and perhaps all the time?) she was in the center closer to Main Street, and it's important to note that she won't be there the next two Saturdays, but it's definitely worth waiting until later in June for these authentic goodies.