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Dot's Back Inn

sign for dot's back inn
(image via Adam Currell on Flickr)

Tonight Valerie wanted to try something new for dinner, so we skipped our usual haunts and drove to Dot's Back Inn on MacArthur Ave., in the Bellevue area.

This place typifies the neighborhood hangout restaurant with its low roar of patrons, low lighting, and low prices for food. The requisite tin ceiling so prevalent in Richmond eateries was there, too, along with a well chosen and balanced selection of kitschy decorations. Since Dot's seemed to be a "regular place" I decided to try some "regular food": the steak and cheese sub plus an extra fifty cents to eat fries instead of potato chips.

I was well rewarded.

The steak was indeed steak - sirloin pounded thin and tender with real cheese melted over it on a lightly toasted sub roll. It was one of the tastiest steak sandwiches I've eaten in ages. And the fries! They were a fine surprise. These were no sticks-o-starch. No, these were thin slices of potato cut in half before deep frying. Crispy, tasty, and clearly made today. I finished off my dining with a slice of homemade (from a nearby bakery, I'm guessing) chocolate pie. Capital!

This is just the sort of restaurant that makes me happy to live and eat in Richmond.