My dad passed away over night from complications following an otherwise low-risk hernia surgery.
I've always viewed my relationship with my dad as more like a really close uncle, so it's hard for me to know how to deal with this right now. I'm sure the shock will wash over me in the coming days, but for now, I'm just taking some time to clear my head. My posting may be sporadic over the next week or so. I don't really know how to approach that, either. Is it profane for me to seek out and reference the absurd web content that usually fills my site? Or is that therapeutic?
Rest in peace, Thomas Treacy Warshaw Jr.
I've always viewed my relationship with my dad as more like a really close uncle, so it's hard for me to know how to deal with this right now. I'm sure the shock will wash over me in the coming days, but for now, I'm just taking some time to clear my head. My posting may be sporadic over the next week or so. I don't really know how to approach that, either. Is it profane for me to seek out and reference the absurd web content that usually fills my site? Or is that therapeutic?
Rest in peace, Thomas Treacy Warshaw Jr.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.