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Belmont Butchery

Shortly after Valerie arrived home yesterday evening around 6, she started relaying information from one of her co-workers about a butcher shop in Richmond. My ears instantly perked up - you see, I'd been looking for an honest-to-goodness full service butcher shop for years, and I gave up some time ago. But now I pressed Valerie rapidly for the name, if she could recall it. "Butcher...B-b-b-Belmont? Butcher of Belmont?"

I rushed up the stairs and searched for "butcher" and "belmont" on Google and found a link to the Belmont Butchery. Seeing they were open until 7pm on week nights, I raced downstairs and told Valerie to put her shoes back on.

We were taking a fast ride to the butcher shop.

Located on Belmont Avenue between Ellwood and Floyd, Belmont Butchery greeted me with its fresh meat case and its smaller charcuterie case. Therein were contained every conceivable cut of beef, pork, lamb, etc. Homemade sausages and pancetta, duck confit, lardo...this was foodie heaven.

Proprietress (she prefers "proprietrix") Tanya Cauthen (formerly a rather serious chef) was more than happy to answer any and all questions, and to share her reasons for getting into the business. Here is a butcher with whom I can build a rapport, asking for advice on good cuts, cooking methods, and other recommendations.

I purchased a rather gorgeous flat iron steak for tonight's dinner and returned this morning for a spot of pancetta (for spaghetti alla carbonara). I couldn't help myself, though - I also bought a single link of their fresh made garlic sausage which I decided to eat for lunch today. This was the best piece of sausage I have eaten in my entire life. Seriously. I can't wait to see how the steak tastes this evening.

You can keep your candy store - I feel like a kid in the butcher shop.