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Here's a brief movie review, both because I'm tired, and I have to pee quite badly :-)

4 stars out of 5 - The acting and story were both compelling, and David Fincher's capacity for keeping me on the edge of my seat for most of the 2.5 hours is brilliant. However, it WAS 2.5 hours, which I normally don't mind. Here, though, the length felt a bit excessively plodding at times. Still I was interested to see two very different men's lives descending deeper into their obsessive search for answers (one more so than the other...), and I'd recommend this film.

There were some fantastic shots as well, and I expect nothing less from the man who directed Fight Club and Seven. The long slow tracking shot from inside a car was a great early choice, with the Fourth of July Fireworks exploding in the background.

So tomorrow I'll drop the Netflix envelope in the mail slot when I work my Saturday away, and look forward to the arrival of a dramatically different film...