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The Game, The Aftermath, and Internet Famous...Sort of.

These past two days I've driven over a thousand miles, watched my favorite NFL team win an away game, and discovered a tiny glimmer of what appears to be a really cool Southern city.

Dave, Chris, Nate, and I left Richmond yesterday at 5:00 am and headed south primarily along I-85. Along the way we moaned about how much of North Carolina we had to drive through, took pictures of many hilarious signs in North Carolina, and champed at the proverbial bit as we covered the last leg in Georgia. The Georgia Dome was an excellent stadium, MARTA is a clean and efficient metro system, and I just became conscious of my redundant sentence structure :-)

Ultimately, I had a great weekend with some of my best friends. It's my sincere hope that I can make many more such "mini road trips" with my friends, because the break from routine was just what I needed. I also hope to attend more NFL games, because this was a reminder of just how exciting it is to attend a major sporting event. Go Big Blue!

Driving back was better than I expected, too. Between the music on my iPod and the conversation with my friends, it was easy to stay awake. We made sure to stop in South Carolina so Chris could snag some fireworks (and the rest of us grabbed some peach cider), and met my friend Robert in Greensboro for an early dinner at New York Pizza. I am glad to finally be at home now, however, in the company of my lovely wife.

The bonus surprise for me when I returned, however, was discovering a link from 37signals' Signal vs. Noise blog for my "Screens Around Town" submission about Facebook. It's cool enough to be linked up by one of my favorite blogs...but having my crazy mug visible for the world to see? Hilarious!