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Perpetual Change

So as you may notice, I've changed my blog theme...again...and back to one I've used before.

I did this for two reasons:
1. While the previous Mac-centric design was clever, it was really only clever for like a week. VERYPLAINTXT is much cleaner.
2. My previous theme wasn't wide enough in the main column. I was tired of referencing images that were too big...basically anything more than ~475 pixels. Sure, I could have spent some time resizing images myself, but I'd have to wait until I got home to use Photoshop, and I prefer to post on the fly rather than waiting until everything is ready. Well, most of the time, anyway.

So yeah, that's the deal. I'm wimping out again by changing to another theme instead of just buckling down and building my own. I hope, at least, this is easier on the eyes for a while.