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Design in Small Places: Trident Gum

Trident gum doesn't usually freshen my breath as I'm more an Orbit fan.

Yesterday, however, I grabbed a pack at Target to try out a new flavor (Wild Berry Twist) and noticed that the packaging had changed dramatically since last I chewed their wares. You can see an example below courtesy of Flickr user SoopahViv:

picture of Trident gum packaging

You'll notice arched line below the glue spots on the lid - this, as you may suspect is the foil. only that arched portion adheres to the lid, so when you open it for the first time it pulls the foil open for you. No little cellophane strip to tear the package. No shredding the foil every few pieces. No plastic sleeve to keep the whole thing fresh until you buy it. And the red you see in the picture is more of a card stock than paper, so the whole thing holds up quite a bit better without squishing the contents. Judging by the date of upload on the picture, it seems that Trident has been using this style of packaging for a couple of years now.

I like that a lot of thought seems to have gone into the design of this package - sure, it's colorful and eye-catching - it has to be to please the folks in Marketing. But the actual functionality of something so humble as gum packaging is oft overlooked - relegated to the old stand byes such as blister packs and paper wrapping.

The gum itself, unfortunately, could use a little more thought :-)