So it seems that the NFL has found Belichick guilty of cheating by using a camera to record defensive signals by the opposing team. This disgusts me...either their record is now as questionable as Barry Bonds' home run "record" or they're simply despicable since winning three recent Super Bowls seems not to be enough.
I hope this blows over quickly, even though my inner cynic knows it won't. The incident is crappy on its own without the media dragging it out for months, equating it to the NBA referee case or the MLB steroid abuse.
Just in case this news upsets you as much as it does me, here's a moderately light-hearted response to the affair (though a little too harsh on Tom Brady in my opinion - we don't know if he was in on this):
[youtube [](])
I hope this blows over quickly, even though my inner cynic knows it won't. The incident is crappy on its own without the media dragging it out for months, equating it to the NBA referee case or the MLB steroid abuse.
Just in case this news upsets you as much as it does me, here's a moderately light-hearted response to the affair (though a little too harsh on Tom Brady in my opinion - we don't know if he was in on this):
[youtube [](])