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Simple Food Pleasures: Pears

Yesterday I was speaking to my mom on the phone when she said, "Sorry if you hear me eating something - I'm eating a pear." I remarked that I hadn't eaten a fresh pear in several years, to which she said, "Oh, you should, they're in season now."

So when I went grocery shopping with Val last night, one of the first things I looked for was the pear basket in the produce section...and oh my, there were some ripe bartletts that smelled absolutely amazing. I bought three and brought them home.

Last night I sliced one up and ate it while watching Wine Library TV at the computer, and I tossed a second in with my lunch this morning. I have one more at home that's perhaps approaching over-ripe, but I'll be sautéing that one with some cinnamon and brown sugar which should take care of it quite nicely.

Seriously - go buy some pears while you can find them fresh at the grocery store. They'll likely be unripe because of how easily they can bruise in transport, so let them sit on the counter until they smell right and start to soften. You'll be left with something natural and tasty that makes a fine dessert on its own.