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Screw you very much, Quicktime plugin.

I'm sure it's a consequence of the unique amalgam of running applications, Firefox extensions and plug-ins, and my nasty Win2k OS and not a problem with QuickTime. Really.

But here's the deal...on this revolting work PC of mine, Firefox crashes shortly after I open any file that defaults to QuickTime. That'd be any .MOV or .MP3 files on my 'puter. It's driving me bonkers.

Yeah, I know...I'm not really supposed to use Firefox on my computer at work - it's not "officially supported."

Yeah, I know...I'm not really supposed to be browsing the internet at work - it's "unproductive."

Yeah, I know...I'm not really supposed to be downloading/streaming videos and music at work - it's "preventing me from killing myself out of boredom."