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iMac, you Mac, my Mother-in-law Macs.

I'm currently experiencing the same pride that warms my heart after introducing a friend to a band I love (particularly when they have the same resulting musical epiphany I did). But my satisfaction isn't musically related.

Yesterday, my mother-in-law bought her first Mac.

After plenty of build-up over the past year as her 8-year-old Gateway accelerated towards its own demise, she came down to Richmond and rode to the Apple Store with Valerie and I where she purchased a 20" iMac. Yes, that glorious new iMac clad in soft-toned aluminum with the hot new keyboard. Val's mom also purchased a copy of iWork '08, and I spent the better part of yesterday evening and today helping her set it all up and transition files from her old machine to the new baby.

I have to say, after using that keyboard yesterday and today - WOW. I want one. It's more than simply usable - it's enjoyable.

Now I have the pleasure of playing tech-support to my wife's mother while she learns the joy of computing on a Mac :-)