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Lon Gisland

Holy Smokes! I finally bit the bullet and purchased the 2007 EP from Beirut, Lon Gisland, and goodness gracious is it amazing!

The first track is "Elephant Gun" who's video I posted recently, and it stays sweet through the last track, "Carousels," which is simply phenomenal.

I prefer when a band's sound stands on its own, but I do know that a) there is nothing new under the sun, and b) comparisons can be useful, so I'm just gonna say it. Imagine Jeff Buckley or Rufus Wainwright singing a composition by Sufjan Stevens after a trip to Eastern Europe. I know that's a jam-packed comparison, and perhaps you don't like any of those individual components, but seriously. Give it a listen.

If you use SimplifyMedia's amazing utility for iTunes, check out my user name, ploafmaster, and you can listen to the album yourself.