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Phantom of the DE-troit Opera

Oh, whoops...I meant to say, Dreamgirls.

Now really...the vocals from so many folks in this film were incredible. And Ms. Hudson, the girl who was (oh thank heavens) dropped by American Idol, proves that even though she couldn't win a dopey TV talent show, she deserved every ounce of that Oscar.

Unfortunately, I couldn't rate this movie higher than a 3 out of 5 stars because the majority of the music sounded as if Andrew Lloyd Webber sneaked into the production offices and swapped out the score for one of his. I understand this film is a screen version of a 1981 Broadway show, but wow, it doesn't seem to be one of the good ones...

To be fair, I'm really picky with musicals anyway, so the odds of my liking it were slim from the start (darned preconceived notions). But I seriously believe that outstanding vocal performances aside the music of Dreamgirls doesn't hold a candle to greats such as Rent or West Side Story.