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Baby's First Typography Book

Most folks who know me actually don't know that I was a hair's breadth from going to college for a creative major rather than something technical such as engineering (originally) or information systems (eventually). Well my illusion that engineering would be an easy route to working as an inventor led me along the tech route, leaves me occasionally pining for a crack at something more creative such as photography, film, and graphic design.

Today, my artistic inclinations got the best of me and I purchased a book on typography. Specifically, I purchased Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris' text, The Fundamentals of Typography:
The Fundamentals of Typography, book cover

I don't know whether this is a fantastic entry-level book or not, but it seems to cover a broad range of concepts. Explanations are often printed in such a way that illustrates the concept which I hope will prove as helpful as it appears.

So hear goes nothing...if I actually read through this book and still feel hungry for more, I'll probably dig into a book on color theory next.