Ladies and gentlemen, for too long the fine art of high-fiving has been relegated to the spontaneous celebration of sports fans and homies.
Today, that changes.
Today, I give you, the League of Competitive High-Fiving. Are you ready to take your high-fives to the next level? Are you ready to train for strength, speed, and "big ups"? Are you ready for the high-pitched slapping sound of palm striking palm and its accompanying glory? Then join us, and raise your hands high.
Today, that changes.
Today, I give you, the League of Competitive High-Fiving. Are you ready to take your high-fives to the next level? Are you ready to train for strength, speed, and "big ups"? Are you ready for the high-pitched slapping sound of palm striking palm and its accompanying glory? Then join us, and raise your hands high.