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I have measured out my life with coffee spoons...'s a fine thing to rouse yourself from a groggy Saturday morning slump with the fine cappuccino of Cafe Gutenberg.

I'm sitting here this morning, quarter-to-nine, having just finished a breakfast panini, and I can't help but love this coffee/book shop even more in the AM. It's quiet, and the few patrons here are dicussing books, the past week, or what-have-you, their muted voices comingling with the hiss of the espresso machine and the traditional jazz on the speakers.

It's a fine continuation of my weekend, too - last night I witnessed some of the finest musicians of my young life: John Winn, Robbie Sinclair, and Daniel Clarke of the John Winntet, and formerly of VCU as well. These fellas know jazz like they know breathing, and the seven dollar cover left me feeling like I was cheating them out of something.

As if the music itself wasn't fantastic, I was treated to the comfortable atmosphere of Bogart's back room lounge for - amazingly, in my nearly four years since turning 21 - the first time. I plan on returning frequently.

Now I turn from my laptop to my second cappuccino, and after that an espresso :-)
