Vox Populi
I just saw the film, "V for Vandetta" last night, having read the complete collection of comics on my flight to Rome last year. I certainly enjoyed the film - nearly as much as I enjoyed the print.
A phrase in the story came immediately to my mind as I read a story on CNN this afternoon. The so-called "vox populi" of our nation cried out today in several intriguing protests around the country against certain hard-line immigration reform bills.
I find it a bit upsetting, however, that such a story is relegated to the side-bar lesser headlines on the CNN front page. It's not even listed as a major news item on ABC's, MSNBC's, or Fox News' front page.
What do we get on CNN's front page instead? Sensationalism; a minister shot by his wife. Not to down play the seriousness of the murder, but people die every day. People are murdered in this country alone every day. How often do you have hundreds of students in LA walk out of their classes in protest? How often do you have TENS OF THOUSANDS of employees in Georgia take the day off from work in protest? How often do you have almost THIRTY THOUSAND citizens march through Phoenix and Milwaukee in protest?
Un-ignorable numbers unifying around the country in common protest, and the media mostly ignores it. It's not like this is a minor issue, either - this is about immigration - one of the more hotly contested public debates in this country!
The people woke up today, cried out, and the Vox Populi went largely unheard.
A phrase in the story came immediately to my mind as I read a story on CNN this afternoon. The so-called "vox populi" of our nation cried out today in several intriguing protests around the country against certain hard-line immigration reform bills.
I find it a bit upsetting, however, that such a story is relegated to the side-bar lesser headlines on the CNN front page. It's not even listed as a major news item on ABC's, MSNBC's, or Fox News' front page.
What do we get on CNN's front page instead? Sensationalism; a minister shot by his wife. Not to down play the seriousness of the murder, but people die every day. People are murdered in this country alone every day. How often do you have hundreds of students in LA walk out of their classes in protest? How often do you have TENS OF THOUSANDS of employees in Georgia take the day off from work in protest? How often do you have almost THIRTY THOUSAND citizens march through Phoenix and Milwaukee in protest?
Un-ignorable numbers unifying around the country in common protest, and the media mostly ignores it. It's not like this is a minor issue, either - this is about immigration - one of the more hotly contested public debates in this country!
The people woke up today, cried out, and the Vox Populi went largely unheard.