Friday the...oh, you know.

dan on the ground

Not my lucky day...

Baco (rhymes with "taco")

I think I feel compelled to make tacos with bacon shells at least once in my life...

double whammy

A double-overdose of me.

I really need to get some new subject matter for my blog posts...this is turning into a dull Daniel show. But I can't help but post my Whiskerino progress here.


close-up of dan's face

Soft focus on a softening beard.


dan scratching his beard

One whole week of growth,
About seventeen to go.
Itch! I must stay strong!

dark scruff in the morning

close-up of dan's facial hair

Just woke up. It's a busy day, and not much time for creative photo-styles from me.

BUT...gonna go see Avenue Q at the Carpenter Theater today!

Bearded Sledgehammer

dan and the bearded sledgehammer

Garnett's Cafe, Visually Speaking

three pictures of Garnett's Cafe

Went back to Garnett's Cafe today, and finally got to take some pictures with good light.


me eating a croissant

Breakfast at Can Can on a day off is one of the best ways to start the day.


fake contact sheet

I'm 28 today!

Evil Facial Hair

eyes rolled into the back of the head

My stubble is taking over...

Feel the Fuzz


Hey! There are the seeds of a beard...

Whiskerino 2009

clean shaven Daniel

So this year is the final year of Whiskerino! Valerie is finally letting me participate, and today is Day 1. This oughtta be a good excuse for me to practice my self-portraits as I should have at least one every week.

Ramona Falls

Thanks to Michael Eades I now know about a tasty new band, Ramona Falls, fronted by the lead singer from Menomena. Ramona Fall's music is simultaneously airy and driving rock, and you can get the full effect from this amazing music video for "I Say Fever":



My buddy Phil is writing a fairly regular new web comic strip! Read it! It's hilarious!

The Listener, as visually interpreted by Dust

Patrick tipped me off to this super-hot video created by Dustbrand Films:

Ozark Empire, or a snake oil salesman comes to your town. from DAN SMITH on Vimeo.



I was just taking a test shot to show Val how sometimes instinct works better than the camera's meter and auto settings, and I ended up rather liking the test shot. So there you go.

Failure to Land

Unknown to the passengers until they finally touched down in Minneapolis, a Northwest Airlines flight initially overshot the city by 150 miles...apparently because the crew members were "having a heated "discussion" which the FAA seems to have translated as "sleeping." Only the cockpit voice recorder will tell...'

Garnett's Cafe

Sure, I'll add to the growing pile of reviews for Garnett's Cafe ([]( - the site doesn't work just yet, so hit up RVANews for the deets).

I decided it was finally time to try out a restaurant located on the corner of Park and Meadow (it's like, the fifth since I've been in Richmond), and it was absolutely worth our time. We showed up around 12:44 and sat down at the counter in what was so far a half-full restaurant. The barstools are comfortable, but there's presently no rail under the counter to rest your feet, so your shoes dangle as if you were a little kid. I was assured they're planning to install a standard chrome wrap-around rail in the very near future.

The general decor was just right - everything felt carefully but not obsessively selected, with wall-hangings that included various decorative plates, posters, and what I believe was an illustration of jazz singer Nina Simone. Bead board covered eight feet of the height of the walls and the lighting was just enough to supplement the ample natural light coming in through the windows. I got a similar impression here as I did when Cafe Gutenberg was new years ago, and when I first walked in to Can Can - there's a serious attention to detail here that can often bode well for the food itself.

And the food did not disappoint. Valerie ate the chicken salad sandwich with potato salad on the side and I had a croque madame. Valerie's potato salad included (what I believe was) a homemade pickle slice. My croque madame had Black Forest ham and gruyere on tasty and crusty Italian bread with - get this - Mornay sauce instead of the simpler béchamel. This meant the addition of cheddar, gruyere, and Parmesan. We both ordered their "lemonade" which consisted of the juice of lemons squeezed right before our eyes, mint-infused simply syrup, and club soda. Wow! Refreshing and delicious.

By the time we finished our sandwiches, Garnett's had filled up to capacity and some folks were standing by the door waiting to be seated - at 1:40 in the afternoon! We weren't finished with our meal yet, so we ordered dessert. Valerie tried a slice of the Hummingbird Cake - a banana and pineapple cake with cream cheese frosting. It tasted like a well crafted banana bread with extra goodness from the pineapple. I ordered a slice of apple pie and they were kind enough to indulge this New Jersey boy's request for a slice of cheddar cheese on top. The pie had clearly been cooked in a straight-sided pan, but this made for some fantastically thick, tender, and delicious crust at the corner. And it was a good sharp cheddar on top, too. I washed down the rest of my meal with a Boylan's root beer.

Now for the interesting side details: I actually ordered a croque monsieur (no fried egg on top), and Valerie had actually ordered the smoked salmon sandwich, and we both received the wrong orders. Neither of us were the slightest upset about this because I didn't mind a bonus fried egg, and Valerie loves chicken salad anyway. But when we were ready to pay and leave, the gentleman who was serving us insisted that we would not be charged for our meal. The whole thing. Even the stuff that had no mistakes. I felt bad about this - this was only their third day open, and I understand it can be difficult for new restaurants to become financially stable. And I really like this place! I want them to do well, so I wanted to pay for our meal (especially since we both really liked everything we ate). But he insisted with this condition: "Just come back."

We will. And we'll rave about it to everybody we know.

the weight of years

paulie smoking a cigar

I got to hang out with my step-dad, Paul, this past Sunday, and we smoked cigars on my front porch before he went home. After I finished my stogie I couldn't help grabbing my camera to take his portrait. I think he was expecting me to tell him when I was ready, but I just clicked off the last three frames on the roll as I saw fit. This was my favorite because I think it really displays the strong but weary figure of a man who's worked a physical job for over thirty years.

forward, with caution

opened fence gate

La-dee-da, more pictures.

Polaroid: IT'S ALIVE!!!

The Impossible Project is impossible no more.

and there was beer

beer in a glass


I don't write on here as frequently as I used to (, but it's worth pausing to say that today is my fifth wedding anniversary!

Valerie, you continue to be a more amazing wife than I could ever have hoped, and I will love you for years to come :-)

we will become silhouettes

people in front of lights

So InLight was fun last night.