Swear Jar

Okay, so this commercial that my boss just sent out is really funny and lifted my spirits (no pun intended) quite a bit at the end of the day.

It's kinda rough (but totally bleeped out), just a warning.

[youtube [www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJJL5dxgVaM&w=425&h=350])


How do you solve a problem like Maria? A hilarious post on McSweeney's seems to have some ideas...


McSweeney's has a hilarious piece up about Democratic Presidential candidates.

Model Behavior

Clay Risen writes a response for The Morning News' "The Non-Expert" this week about modeling. Check it out and laugh your $400 jeans off.

Once again...this exemplifies why Ask Dan never had a fighting chance :-)

Toilet Fire

And you thought eating spicy food could lead to hot times on the porcelain bus...

Peep Engadget's story on the Head from Hades.

I do solemnly swear...

Slate had an interesting article posted today regarding potential alternatives to the standard hand-on-Bible oath - all intended for Mr. Rove, should he actually appear before Congressional panels.

Fire in his eyes...

Hilarious inclusion of George Bush in the Teletubbies intro:
[youtube [www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFBwD2b5nz8&w=425&h=350])



Butt Paste

I was in Target on Tuesday evening with my wife and sister-in-law when I came across the following on my way to the electronics section:

I don't think I really need to say anything further on the subject.

Angry Day

Holy Crow.

If you're bothered by...ahem..."angry" words, then don't watch the clip below. Otherwise, check out what I so far consider to be one of the best episodes of "The Show":


The Show

I don't know why it took me so long to find it and start watching it, but I've been hooked on Ze Frank's, "The Show."

It's always witty, often hilarious, and quite intelligent. Go watch it before he stops producing it in mid-March.


I found this glorious video via one of my regular reads, The Sneeze, wherein Steve describes his little son's use of the word, "pickles" as profanity.

No, that fella in the video isn't Steve himself...it's the actor Dan Schneider who played Ricky in the movie Better Off Dead.

Now that reminds me of something pickle-related...

On an episode of Scrubs a few weeks ago, J.D. started a trend of referring to Turk's wife, Carla, as "Pickles" so he could call their newborn daughter, "Little Gherkin." Pure genius.

How it was about to have been brung...

Slate has a hilarious article up about Ultimate Fighting...

Introducing the Book

Open it? If it had been that straight forward, I wouldn't have called Helpdesk.

EDIT 2/20/2007: Dang it, the video is no longer available. It was a funny medieval version of tech support though...

Purple and Brown, texture like sun...

I have no idea why I never heard of this before, but the fellas at Aardman Animation (hello...Wallace and Grommet?) have created a series of short claymation toons that are available for viewing on YouTube.

For your viewing pleasure, here's one of the latest:
[youtube [www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWWuW_ce7jk&w=425&h=350])

Anthony Bourdain is Your Mom's Hero...

...and funnier than many stand-up comedians. Guest-writing on Michael Ruhlman's blog, Bourdain pretty much nails down how I feel about the Food Network these days - and even shares many of my opinions about their cadre of stars.

I do believe I'll be scouring Da Webs for more of his writing. I have to force myself to stifle my laughter whenever I come across any of it.

Laugh. Graphically.

I just found a website called indexed (yes, it's lowercase) that seems to have scans of index cards, each of which contains an info-graphic of some kind. There are x-y graphs, Venn diagrams and other such charts each illustrating a humorous concept.

My favorite so far?
The law of average.

Funnier than the funniest funny things.

Mugs is wound tighter than a 311 snare drum as he anticipates the decision of UDel's grad program.

Consequently, he's started venting his stress through highly amusing writing along with some poetry on his site.

Go read it now. Share in his stress with a good belly-laugh.


Courtesy of McSweeney's:

A good source of vitamin E, which is otherwise hard to get into the diet. Especially if the "diet" is microwave dinners for one, seasoned with tears.

Microsoft utilizes a new tactic...

My boss sent this hilarious picture around:
Microsoft fights back


To all my dog food gangstas:
you are a douche.

This delightfully succinct card can help you avoid direct vocal confrontation, and comes to you courtesy of the folks at Orange32.

What "Ask Dan" only wishes it could be...

I just read the most hilarious take on wine selection from a link off of Kottke.org.

I merely hope that someday I can hone my weekly feature into something close to the caliber of "The Non-Expert."

Coming Zune!

Any Fortune 500 company worth its salt wouldn't rest on its laurels when a competitor unveils a hot new toy, right?

Ladies and gentlemen, the ZunePhone.
[youtube [www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRLRjKCGHek&w=425&h=350])

The Complete Calvin and Hobbes

My wife got me "The Complete Calvin and Hobbes" for Christmas - truly one of the best gifts ever received by yours truly. The entirety of Bill Watterson's decade of genius bound smartly in three lovely hard-cover volumes, contained then in an equally eye-catching box. Each page is a faint creme color so as to set off the pure white daily strips, three to a page, with the publication dates at the bottom. The Sunday prints fill an entire page in full color, also with the publication date at the bottom.

I know what I'll be reading during my week off :-)

Under the Bus

As I got off the interstate this morning on my way to work, I pulled up behind, then beside a city bus covered in an ad graphic. Nothing peculiar about that in general, except this bus was wrapped to look as if it was driving in the opposite direction. The back of the bus was made to look as if there was a front windshield with the driver and a marquee that read, "Life comes at you fast", and along the side, you could see "windows" with terrified or at least worried passengers staring out. Below the windows you could see the Nationwide logo.

Pretty clever, boys. Pretty clever.