For the Discerning Buttock

This fine post about bathroom fixtures reminds me of why I read The Sneeze.

The Golden Clog Awards

Anthony Bourdain and Michael Ruhlman have concocted a set of awards they call The Golden Clogs, described hilariously by Anthony Bourdain on Eater. My clear favorite category (though not necessarily nominees)?

For being on Food Network and yet, somehow managing to Not Suck

Be sure to read the follow-up interview with Bourdain as well.

Eine Kleine Nachtfilm

I threw this together last night in about 1.5 hours. Be afraid...

Eine Kleine Nachtfilm from ploafmaster on Vimeo.

Throwing Players Like Roman Candles Across New England

Few publications can make me smile quite like The Onion, and their piece about the Patriots losing the Super Bowl could almost be confused for a serious piece :-)

Your Herpes May Cause Armageddon

Phunniest Pharmaceutical Pharce I've seen in ages:

(via Joshua Blankship)

Yours Truly, The Invisible Man

Despite his most thinly-veiled comments, we all know he's guilty.

Kubrick O'Brien

I just discovered this excellent tribute to Stanley Kubrick's The Shining on the Late Night Underground website. DRAEB EKIRTS!!!

You Hoboken.

I've not yet seen this Orbit Gum commercial on television, but my boss sent this around the office, and it's hilarious:


What the French, toast?

The Reel Deal

So there's a whole lotta noise today about the Justice Department opening a criminal investigation over the CIA's destruction of two interrogation tapes.

Wait...they're still using tapes?!?

Also, make sure your boss is a secret CIA operative.

Sarah Walker tells us how to roll out of a moving car. She's really quite thorough.

This Hilarious American Life

For your own good, please go to the website for This American Life and listen to this week's episode. Particularly the segment on Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble that starts after the introduction. Holy CRAP, it's hilarious.

A Lot of Donations from Big Herbal

Two Medieval Physicians Debate Universal Health Care on McSweeney's.

Finally, something to make my day feel a little brighter.

I have a buckle on my hat, I think for no reason.

Nobody does Thanksgiving quite like McSweeney's.


I hope he never stops, because this is at least as amazing as The Show.

The Mini Blue?

My excellent wife pointed me to a series of commercials for some North Carolina car dealerships. The entire collection features a throaty, anthropomorphized badger who sells cars, and some of them are pretty funny. This one, however, is my clear favorite:


Ho Ho Hold on a minute...

Couldn't have said it better myself:

editorial cartoon about Christmas cramping Thanksgiving's style

Bloody Sunday

There are no words...only bewilderment...


A Not-So-Subtle Difference

This is so true that it's almost not funny:

diagram illustrating the relationship between humanity and work

Deutscher Streich

Silly Germans...tricks are for...oh, wait. This is actually hilarious:

Rebecca, if you're reading this, please let me know if I got the post title correct...

Ladies and gentlemen, he has a website.

Dan Liebert, occasional verbal cartoonist for McSweeney's, has his own website. And it's hilarious.

Like so:

a picture of a handwritten joke

Can you hear that? In the trees?

When I want a treat for Halloween, I need only look to my dear McSweeney's.

You'd be amazed at how cheap razorblades are these days.

Your next serious crash could mean serious cash.

Recently, my friend Dave has been spamming me with links to choice articles from The Onion, and today was one of the best yet.

Even though this glorious nugget is nearly 11 years old, you could essentially substitute the years and it would be just as relevant.


I wrote about Jessica Hagy's indexed back in February this year, and fortunately for her, so have many others more important than me.

I found out today that she's releasing a book through one of Joel Turnipseed's first posts to - an interview with Ms. Hagy, in fact.

The book is titled, appropriately, Indexed, and releases February 28th of 2008.

" watching one of Jerry's Kids get in the ring with Mike Tyson."

It's pretty effortless to laugh at the martial artist and would-be actor Jean-Claude Van Damme, but I don't think I've laughed so much at him as when I read Grady Hendrix's homage in Slate.

A few letters sure make a big difference...

Eschatological: having to do with the end of the world.

Scatological: having to do with excrement.

Escatological: when the $#!% hits the fan?