Do you believe the limits of reality are finite?

Who needs burritos when you have magic pants?

(via waxy)

...with something like five snakes engraved on it.

It's Friday, so my brain isn't really at work. But some portion of my brain is almost always on the internet, so here's a glorious entry from Sarah Walker over at McSweeney's to distract you, too.


I'm pretty sure this is in response to the over-blown media noise-making about the recent cover illustration, but even if it's not, yesterday's totally safe animation from The New Yorker is hilarious.

Baman Piderman

You can thank me later for laughing your head off this Friday morning:

(via trey)

Stay Home Martha

It appears Martha Stewart's criminal record is preventing her from obtaining a travel visa to the U.K. Who knew a stint in "Camp Cupcake" would force the homemaking maven to wait out the summer at home?

Melted Roast Beef

The following is excerpted from an actual conversation with an Arby's employee while I ordered my lunch today:

ME: I'd like a roast beef melt -

EMPLOYEE: Do you want cheese on that?

Laugh Out Loud Cats

comic strip

Laugh Out Loud Cats are the brilliant creation of cartoonist Adam Koford. Armed with a brief but humorous "back story," he assembles a collection of vintage-style funnies which bear the mark of expert nerd convergence.

They're all pretty funny, but some of them are clearly genius.

(via tumblin' trey)

It's the crystal skull, baby.

What happens when summer blockbusters collide? McSweeney's imagines the answer with Jill Morris' SEX AND THE CITY AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL.


powers of one

100% Free-Range Steel

Have you ever wondered what would happen if four vegans were lost while hiking on a mountain of meat? No? That's okay, because David Henne, writing for McSweeney's, lets his imagination answer the question that nobody asked.

Do you mind writing a song called "Dogs Playing Moby"?

For your viewing pleasure, Zach Galifianakis interviewing Moby:


Related: New York Magazine has their own YouTube channel with a few more gems as well.

With the Head Nod

Here's just the right touch of insanity to carry you into the weekend:

[vimeo w=580&h=437]
For Trey from Phil Barbato on Vimeo.

Sumo For You

WARNING: This video will simultaneously make you laugh really hard and want to claw your eyes out.


I think the song's lyrics are freaking amazing as well.
(via Autoblog)

Or the Elephant Trebuchet

Sweet mercy this is hilarious. Perfect blend of cheapness factor and cheap humor.
(via Engadget)


I seriously almost peed myself laughing at this. I actually drooled on my keyboard, and the afterlaughTM is so strong that I'm convulsing in my chair.

Just try watching this without a simultaneous laugh and WTF? moment:



4:04 PM. Day Not Found

from Phil on Twitter.

Distrust is Free

READ. LAUGH. don't hate Montana, do you?

Death By Chocolate

I guess Ashton Kutcher CAN be funny...when he keeps his mouth shut.

Kick their baby teeth in.

How many fiver-year-olds could YOU take in a fight?



Married To The Sea

I guess everybody's gotta post about a comic from Married to the Sea, so here's one of my favorites in a long time.

There's Also a Terror Watch

The following is an actual conversation which took place between an anonymous Fan resident and myself this afternoon.

[Ext., Meadow Park. DANIEL faces approximately NE having just turned 180 degrees after taking a picture of a Fan District house. He is looking to frame another shot when a gray-haired WOMEN approaches, disrupting his attention. There are bushes between them, about shoulder height.]

WOMAN (somewhat severely): What are you doing?

DANIEL (voice rising like a question, incredulous):

WOMAN: Why?!

DANIEL: Because I enjoy photography.

WOMAN: Why here?!?

DANIEL: Well I'm on a public sidewalk, so this is perfectly legal.

WOMAN: Well, there's also a terror watch.

[WOMAN continues to watch DANIEL and slowly walks backward, arms folded across her chest. DANIEL continues to take photographs as WOMAN retreats behind the glass door of her apartment building, watching suspiciously for another fifteen minutes.]

Five Primal Emotions

"Five Primal Emotions" OR "Watch Dan Practice Facial Gymnastics" from ploafmaster on Vimeo.

But I'm Forty.

Less artistic, but more appropriate to today (just make sure you turn up the volume, it's pretty quiet):

February 29 from GuySansom on Vimeo.

The Shatner

Reasons Why I Love "The Sneeze" #2874: Naming a toilet.

Make sure you won't disturb anybody with your laughter before you read this.

Don't Call Me White

Alright, I know I'm not the first person to talk about it, but it's just so funny that I can't contain it any longer.

Go read Stuff White People Like. And don't take it too seriously or I'll pee in your Cheerios.
(via Blankenship)