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France in my Site

I've been to France on five separate occasions.

Well, technically.

The first four times were actually only to the Charles de Gaulle airport on the way in and on the way out for two different trips to other European destinations (Italy and the Czech Republic). The fifth time is an extreme technicality in my mind since I was actually in the Caribbean - yeah, that's right. French Saint Martin is, politically, French soil.

I don't feel, however, as if I've ever been to France proper. Or at least Paris proper. This coming March I aim to change that.

Yesterday Valerie and I took what is for us a big next step: we purchased the Lonely Planet guide book for Paris. It's always exciting for me in these early stages, reading up on metro ticket prices, cheap places to eat, and exciting places to take a stroll where we might take in some of the essence of our destination. We already have a rough idea of when we'll go and where we'll stay. All that's left now is the giddy planning of what to see and do while we're there. God willing, this should be a very exciting trip, and I know I'll get increasingly jittery as I count down the next 7.5 months.